AURELIS Levels in a Pyramid

This is what AURELIS (+ Lisa) is about. From abstract to concrete, a lot has been worked out or may soon be ready for deployment. All levels are profoundly consistent.
Please also take a look at: Introducing AURELIS (Animated Video). Or you may prefer AURELIS in a nutshell (Animated Video).
You find here a written version of the AURELIS vision/mission. For an explanation of AU-REL-IS as an acronym, click here.
Diagram of levels

Between the purely abstract and the purely concrete, you see five levels in a continuum from abstract to concrete:
- The first level of these (rationality/human depth) is about the USP of AURELIS as a whole.
- The second level (depth…) is about AURELIS ethical values.
- You find more about the third level in Your Mind as Cure.
- For the latter two – as well as the above ones – there is a lot more to be found through a search in the AURELIS blog-wiki.
The shape of the pyramid is associated with the number of people to whom it may concern and the direct impact it can have on individual lives.
As you can see, the AURELIS project is entirely oriented toward Compassion. In my view, this is extremely important to proceed toward a humane future, especially since A.I. (the real one) is knocking at the door. Not any of the big problems that we are facing at present will be resolved without it.
The most abstract
At the top, you find Compassion. [see: “Compassion, basically“]
This is not an easy concept, which may be an important reason why many people are attracted to it and agree about its crucial importance, but have difficulty being Compassionate or bringing it, for instance, to a company.
Insight at the more abstract levels may help at more concrete levels. Some deeper insight may even be indispensable. We all do our best, but we can do our best even better with the proper insight.
The most concrete
From the cradle to the grave, there are many domains on which insights and practical tools are available. Since mental growth is never finished, this can be seen as a lifelong path.
Of course, each user follows his path. The support he chooses may be short or long-lasting. AURELIS/Lisa aims to be practically valuable whenever needed and desirable within this general scheme.
Toward the future
All levels are needed to guide AURELIS/Lisa toward a future with many opportunities and challenges. [see: “Future of Mental Healing“]
Will it be a Compassionate future?