A Synthesis of a Synthesis

June 7, 2018 AURELIS No Comments

Below are some of the things that, together, straightforwardly show the importance of AURELIS.

They are put in a super direct way and so they lack some nuance.

This is a synthesis of a synthesis:

  • The placebo-effect is a proof of the huge power of the deeper self.
  • Lots of cases of being-ill result from dissociation: lack of (or insufficient) ‘healthy’ contact between consciousness and the deeper self.
  • Hence the deeper self expresses itself in less ‘healthy’ ways: aggression, depression, psychosomatics… As a result of this, one is also more sensitive to various forms of addiction and a superficial way of life.
  • To the extent that it is an expression of the deeper self, a symptom is also a good way to get in touch with it.
  • A placebo-means cannot get much deeper than the symptom. The risk here is that the contact with the deeper self will be cut off even more and the dissociation increases. Eventually it will more and more augment the being sick.
  • AURELIS helps to provide contact with the deeper self in respect for the total person. AURELIS gets deeper than the symptomatic and promotes, in due time, more and more health and personal growth.
  • Worldwide dissociation (and thus also for example, the massive use of placebo-means) contributes to war, poverty, self-destruction and addiction to superficiality. A good, open contact with ‘the deeper self’ contributes to a healthier world for this and future generations.

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