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Multiple Sclerosis

Since the first description of MS in 1877, psychological stress has been suggested as a trigger for exacerbations [Charcot, 1877]. Until recently, the clinical evidence for a causal relationship was weak. A systematic meta-analysis from 2004 of 14 prospective studies found a significant relationship between the occurrence of stressful life events and a higher risk Read the full article…

Lisa’s Job in Numbers

Because Lisa is not data-driven but knowledge-driven, she doesn’t have a long and costly learning curve to tackle some new domain. Thus, she can play a role in many domains relatively quickly. How much of a ‘hell of a job’ is awaiting her? This blog contains many numbers from trustworthy sources. Global numbers Around two-thirds Read the full article…

The Mind in PNIE

Over the years, the role of the mind in Psycho-Neuro-Immuno-Endocrinology (PNIE) has become increasingly apparent. This trend is bound to continue, and Lisa is bound to play a significant role in this evolution. PNIE shows the intricate connections between different systems in the human being as a whole. Regarding the mind (psyche), one can go Read the full article…

Can Stress Cause MS?

MS = Multiple Sclerosis, an autoimmune disorder that specifically affects the brain and spinal cord. Its symptoms and prognosis are pretty diverse, making causal research challenging but not impossible. According to the National MS Society, almost one million people are living with MS in the United States. Most are diagnosed between the ages of 20 Read the full article…


Several of these terms are specific to AURELIS. If you want some AURELIS-specific term explained, please email us at . Active acceptance: Embracing one’s experiences and emotions fully without resistance, facilitating inner peace and personal growth. Active placebo: An active placebo itself has (side) effects (unlike a passive placebo). To the extent that the Read the full article…

Scientific Facts – Bibliography

[AlZahrani et al., 2019] AlZahrani AS1, Alshamrani FJ, Al-Khamis FA, Al-Sulaiman AA, Al Ghamdi WS, Al Ghamdi OA, Mohammad MY, Alshayea MS, Alhazmi RA, Alkhaja MA. Association of acute stress with multiple sclerosis onset and relapse in Saudi Arabia. Saudi Med J. 2019 Apr;40(4):372-378. [Antonovsky, 1987] Antonovsky, A., Unraveling the Mystery of Health. How People Read the full article…

Stressional Intelligence – Read&Do

This is the foreword to my book ‘Stressional Intelligence’ that you can find on Amazon (see menu). Stress is not the amorphous blob that it is frequently purported to be. It is a multifaceted, multidimensional conglomerate, in every aspect related to meanings and deeper meanings. One cannot be stressed by something that is personally meaningless. Read the full article…

19. The Virus is Not the Enemy – War is Not the Answer

This goes further upon chapter 7, written three months and half a million official COVID deaths ago. Did you hear anyone talking about the psyche in causality yet? I mean, anyone except me? The virus side The virus is just a piece of RNA that wears a coating when outside of the living cells that Read the full article…

16. Postcoronalia – COVID complications

July 4, 2020   Daily Total Cases worldwide 209.028 11.182.576 Deaths worldwide 5.170 528.372   Today is the 4th of July On a rally at Mount Rushmore, with perplexity on four stony presidential faces in the background, the US president couldn’t care less for the people who seem to adore him and take pride in Read the full article…

9. Worst Case COVID

May 2, 2020   Right Is this worst case the future? I would go as far as saying that it is not an impossibility. Please don’t read this text if you are weak at heart. Numbers Vaccination is still far away. Experts talk about at least a year before the population can be vaccinated in Read the full article…

Imagine: an AURELIS Future

Or give it any other name. It’s about concepts. At the most abstract level: a synthesis of rationality and depth, both as much as possible. [see: ‘AURELIS USP: ‘100% Rationality, 100% Depth’] Are you in for a culture shock? Indeed. If ‘AURELIS’ will happen, it will provoke a different culture, worldwide. The best way to Read the full article…

Three Waves of Attention

Where there is life, there is attention. Where there is attention, there is life. AURELIS integrates rationality and poetry in a specific view of human being. It brings together body and mind, East and West, past, present and future. Most of all, it unifies conscious thinking and the subconscious mind as understood in modern cognitive Read the full article…

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