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Ready for a Change from Within?

These are five questions that you, as a coachee, can answer for yourself. It is interesting to be very honest with yourself in this. It’s interesting also to really try to feel what these questions mean to you and how you really deal with them yourself. Take your time for this. Taking time is already a Read the full article…

How A.I. will Change Us

At present, this still depends mainly on human decisions. It’s up to us if only we take that responsibility — now. Heidegger According to the German philosopher Martin Heidegger (died 1976), technology is not neutral. It changes how humans think and behave. It even defines what we see as ‘reality’ insofar as we are able Read the full article…

No Lasting Change from the Surface

In contrast to depth, the surface is the ‘superficial’ level of the human mind. Something may temporarily change at the surface like quicksand. It’s not the right level for lasting change. Read about ubiquitous depth. In therapy/coaching, attaining lasting change is a challenge. Theory goes toward a genetically determined stable state whereto any change (from Read the full article…

G.I.M.O. toward Lasting Change

Each of the G.I.M.O. elements (as part of any AURELIS coaching session) is oriented toward lasting change. The promise to the coachee is that this is possible and within reach ― if the coachee collaborates. Please read G.I.M.O. Wanted: depth, alive Thus, it’s important to find out pretty soon whether the client is principally ready Read the full article…

Insight = Change

Insight is not information. It is not merely conceptual knowledge. Insight is rather wisdom. Wisdom is yours. Your wisdom can never be mine. Therefore, I cannot give you wisdom. If I tried to push my insight into you, it wouldn’t be your insight. It might be inside you for a while, then wither like a Read the full article…

Global Changes Start Inside

This is: deep inside the human mind, upon which one has little direct conscious control. ‘Global’ points to what happens between people at the grant and even global scale. Deeply ubiquitous All people share in-depth propensities that can be realized one way or another, thus on diverse domains orienting the streaming underneath in a direction Read the full article…

How to Change an Opinion

Including yours. It’s not as easy as just putting facts together. Opinions are recalcitrant, and rightly so. Here are some insights to make it more ethical and doable. Phenomenal importance People cooperate with each other – in the immediate environment and worldwide – from a state of having congruent basic opinions. For instance, the opinion Read the full article…

Culture Changes when Top-Down meets Bottom-Up

Not separately from each other, but intertwined and as though mutually attracted ― making it personal. Sustainable change is culture change. Top-down (through rules and regulations, encompassing changes on a big scale) This may work when also being carried from the bottom up. This means that rules should only be enacted after the bottom-up has Read the full article…

Inner vs. Outer Change of Patterns

This is about mental-neuronal patterns. Although this term speaks of recent scientific insights, the known relevance is age-old and ubiquitous. It is also a basic choice for the future. All in the mind? ‘Inner vs. outer change’ is not about what happens inside or outside of one’s mind, but inside or outside of individual mental-neuronal Read the full article…

Resistance to Change

People may want to change at the surface, but not in-depth. If the cause of some maladaptation lies in depth, change may be simultaneously sought and resisted. Resistance as fence >< as lack of motivation A particular reason for not wanting to change is like a mental fence that protects the person from uncomfortable feelings Read the full article…

Change is a process

Especially meaningful change, which is the change that is, well, most meaningful, thus most important. Insight into the brain/mind is essential to understand why. We are not some software in some hardware. I hope this is obvious to you. The reason is that we are complex organisms. [see: “You Are an Organism, Not a Mechanism.“] Read the full article…

Can Mind Change Matter?

Let’s take it philosophically today. That brings us to what is called ‘philosophy of mind.’ Please read this first: [see: “‘Mind = Body’ Breakthrough“] Philosophy is like playing in the mind. Philosophers are like children ― no denigration meant to either, quite the contrary. In their intellectual playfield, philosophers have been thinking about the mind Read the full article…

Mental Patterns Change through Autosuggestion

This may even be the only way in which they can ethically and adequately change. There is a clear responsibility involved to do this as well as possible. Autosuggestion is the language that directly touches mental patterns. [see: “Patterns in Neurophysiology“] It is related to poetry in its metaphorical means, a meditative mental setting, and Read the full article…

Is Change Difficult?

Especially deep change. It’s a cultural thing to find it difficult. And so it is. Is it? Coaching is about change, one way or another. [see: “Coaching is everywhere“] Being a coach Your opinion as a coach matters in this. If you think change is difficult, then you risk conveying this to the coachee. In Read the full article…

Mental Change: How it Works

This is about any mental change, such as in coaching, psychotherapy, and leadership. It is simple and complex. [see: “Complexity of Complexity“] It works the way the brain works. Insight into the mind-brain’s pattern recognition and completion is very telling. [see: “Your Mind-Brain, a Giant Pattern Recognizer“] The brain continually changes. While you read this Read the full article…

What is Health? – Being Able to Change and Enjoy

Health can be considered as the absence of illness. It was often defined as such in the past centuries. A modern definition of the World Health Organization (WHO) clearly shows another view WHO “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” It is Read the full article…

Is Climate Change More Critical than A.I.?

Reckoning in years, probably not. Of course, in no way do I want to underestimate the immense importance of Climate Change. ►►► WHY read this? The curve of A.I. becoming an existential issue may soon enough become much steeper than that of Climate Change. ◄◄◄ There is no way around the experts’ opinion that we Read the full article…

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