AURELIS is about respecting the total human being. This includes conscious and non-conscious processing. ► To get this in your email, RSS…, open this blog and click here. ◄ If you are new to this blog-wiki, please read this introduction.
In today’s hyperconnected world, the paradox of being ‘alone together’ has grown more pressing. Online interactions, while designed to connect us, often leave us feeling detached and lonely. Many yearn for meaningful interactions, yet unsure how to foster them. Lisa, as an A.I. rooted in Compassion and personal growth, is uniquely positioned to address this Read the full article…
This is an explanation at the mental-neuronal patterns level. Encompassing this, empathy goes beyond the purely conceptual, towards ‘big-c-Compassion.’ Please read [see: “Landscape of Empathy“], [see: “Essence of Compassion“] This text is a high-level explanation Being theoretical, it doesn’t delve into the how of making empathy work better depending on the goal. It does show Read the full article…
The argument for ‘Plus’ is that Western Enlightenment has been overly focused on conceptual-rational thinking up to this point. Balancing this with an appreciation of subconceptual understanding can lead to a more holistic perspective, enriching both individual and collective growth. If we want a decent future – on many domains – we need to go Read the full article…