AURELIS is about respecting the total human being. This includes conscious and non-conscious processing. ► To get this in your email, RSS…, open this blog and click here. ◄ If you are new to this blog-wiki, please read this introduction.
An active learner deliberately searches for information/knowledge to become smarter. In biological evolution on Earth The ‘Cambrian explosion’ was probably jolted by the appearance of active learning in natural evolution. It was the time when living beings started to chase other living beings— thus also being chased, heightening the challenges of survival. This mutual predation Read the full article…
“He did it on purpose.” Maybe, but what is ‘purpose’? And an even more profound question: What is ‘deep purpose’? Complexity is needed for purpose. A jumbo jet is complicated but not complex. Therefore, a jumbo jet doesn’t have purpose. It can have A purpose given by those who use it. The jumbo’s so-called purpose Read the full article…
Everywhere and nowhere. Depth is a characteristic of human mental processing. See: What is ‘Depth’?. Depth is how the brain works by default ― nothing special. See, for instance, The Poetic Brain. At the same time, we see a stark lack of depth in so many places and situations. The world is sleepwalking from crisis Read the full article…