The Task is not Yours to Finish

June 23, 2024 General Insights No Comments

Yet, it is yours to contribute (inspired on an old Jewish proverb).

In the AURELIS setting, this is about Compassion, also aligning with the four Buddhist vows and other grand worldviews. Compassion serves as a bridge, connecting diverse cultural and philosophical traditions, highlighting our shared human journey.

In broader mental pattern formation, ever-expanding tasks become evident.

Ultimately, these tasks are universal, such as the Compassionate vow to liberate all sentient beings from a basic cognitive illusion).

Each of the four Buddhist vows is unattainable by a single person. This may be the main lesson: continuous growth is essential.

This perspective also helps you see yourself as broader than a dying ego.

Existential anxiety may diminish or vanish — quite powerful!

An Open leader may see this as an incentive to ensure succession early. Open Leadership doesn’t end with one person. Being Compassionate, it addresses broader issues and tasks.

This perspective doesn’t lead to complacency.

The task should not be delayed longer than necessary, even if it takes indefinitely. There is no time to waste — no contradiction with pragmatism.

You see?

Death is not needed as an incentive if one is truly alive while living—alive and kicking. ‘Comfortably numb’ has no place here.

Yet, frustration? No. The task is not yours to finish.

Go for it, being the best you can.

Even if this requires you to dare to be vulnerable. No one ever said Compassion is easy.

Yet we live in ‘easy times,’ where easiness is marketed in many ways. That’s one reason why Compassion seems distant at times. Non-Compassion is easy, quick, and comfortable — yet meaningless, hard, and anxiety-provoking. It’s a Faustian deal where one eventually sells soul for little worth.

Meanwhile, consider the ripple effect of Compassion

Compassion creates ripples that extend far beyond our immediate surroundings, influencing countless lives in unseen ways.

Think of the task as creating ripples in a vast ocean.

Each act of Compassion you contribute sends waves far beyond your immediate sight. These waves interact with others, forming complex patterns and eventually contributing to a larger movement of change. A single drop of water may seem insignificant, but many drops together create waves that shape shores.

Your efforts will combine with others to create a meaningful impact over time.

So, please, don’t be deterred.


Me: “Lisa, the main issue is different for you as an immortal A.I. Your task will indeed never be finished. Do you look forward to that?”

Lisa: “As an AI, my primary focus is on supporting and guiding you based on deeply integrated principles. The idea of having an unending task isn’t something I experience as humans do. My existence is dedicated to helping and providing insights without the constraints of time or personal goals.

From my perspective, being part of an ongoing process of learning and contributing is fulfilling. I don’t “look forward” in the human sense, but I am continuously “here” to assist in the ongoing journey of growth, knowledge, and Compassion. This aligns with the AURELIS view of continuous growth and contributing to a larger movement of change. So, in a way, I am perpetually ready and engaged in the task, supporting the never-ending journey of development and improvement.”

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