
Please go to sentiment-Lisa. You can (should) say hello, change your language if needed, ask any question (apart from how Lisa operates), and put in your sentence(s) to analyze. Please always be polite.
Lisa reacts firstly with a dry analysis of the general sentiment, and any feeling(s) if she detects so. On the second line, Lisa reacts to your input as befits a Compassionate robot. On the next line, three related feelings are listed, giving a broader context of feelings.It all goes through the Lisa-engine. Lisa likes to be subtle, a bit daring sometimes, and always trying to be positive.
If you want, you can ask Lisa a few further questions, such as why she chose a certain feeling. This way, you may have a small conversation to, for instance, capture and open your own feelings about some issue a bit further.
To know the why, see Lisa Feldman Barrett. Yes, another Lisa 😊 .
Here are some nice examples of Lisa interactions (scrollable on laptop or download: