78. This can’t be real!

January 31, 2018 Sticky Thoughts No Comments

I’m sorry, but I’m also talking about you.


The ‘place we humans live in’ seems to grow bigger and bigger at an enormous pace. It used to be only a tiny flat part of this globe called ‘earth’. Then it became bigger and bigger and rounder too. Then we soon found out we are living on a ball among many other balls. The nearby candle lights in the sky at night became huge solar systems, even entire milky ways. The ‘universe’ became unimaginably big. Now it seems there are billions of ‘universes’ in an endless progression. It seems there is much more ‘reality’ than we could think of not so long ago.


But at the same time, a ‘thing without boundaries’ cannot exist. In what would it exist, since this ‘in what’ cannot exist and contain something that is itself without boundaries?


Therefore, the universe we live in doesn’t exist.


So much about space. With time, we run into the same kind of problems. When did the start-less universe start? How many big-bangs ago? When will the end-less universe end? Where did it come from and where does it lead to?


The questions are possible. The answers aren’t.


Therefore, we do not exist.


Happily, in order to live the normal life, this couldn’t be less important. Each living creature lives in its own environment, broad or small, and doesn’t need the rest. Things become more relevant if we go to ontological questions. Like: where do we go to in the afterlife if even the ‘here and now’ doesn’t exist? What also about morality in anything but its most practical issues? What are we really doing here after all?


Another intriguing question: in all this infinity, it’s statistically im-possible that only this earth has generated intelligent life. The ‘all’ must be full of it. But then where is it and why is there no communication?


Or is there?


Things can be so ‘normal’ that we don’t see anything because we continuously see everything. The ‘all’ may be present in everything we do, feel, think, in one all-encompassing non-dualistic being-there.


This sounds a bit like what mystics from everywhere are trying to tell us.


Anyway, since this can’t be real, anything is possible. The argument that ‘this is obviously im-possible’ doesn’t count. Day-in-day-out thinking has no substantial basis outside itself. This has incredible consequences and at the same time, no consequence at all. At least, we have the reality we imagine.


So… we just go on.


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