76. The curve of a woman

This Sticky is dedicated to all attractive women.
Of course, the sticky-ness in this is meant platonically, but that may be profound…
Sex-appeal (the subject of this text) is a mind game. Look at ‘suggestive clothing’. The sex-appeal lies in what is suggested rather than in what is shown. Now you may or may not pardon me, but I think that what is suggested is in the end, one way or another, always a readiness, an openness for sex.
Which might bring a man to the question: does a woman who shows herself sexy, than always want sex? Or an even more important question to the guys: does she want it this time, with me? Hmm… I think the misunderstandings in this make it worthwhile to take a peep in this show.
Take care, it’s also a deep show. The world of sexuality is not a simple world. And that’s perfect. If it were a simple world, then it wouldn’t be so interesting and, well, sexy in the first place, no? The art of sexuality, like any other art, lies in its complexity. An artistic person may of course go about it with pleasure and ease. OK. We should all become artists.
So does she or does she not?
Patience, guys, patience… I mean: she wants some patience. If you cannot bring it up now, then you’ll never become an artist…
- Ah, that’s it. I show some of this patience-thing, then she happy, me go for it?
No, well, yes but actually, no. In real life communication, there are several levels, always. Maybe next time you can give some real attention to some sexy lady… and see the point. The point that maybe she too doesn’t get.
Which is: you’re not alone in her mind, even if she’s thinking of ‘you alone’. Of course there’s you, the flesh-and-blood-and-some-other-things man. Yes, you, very important, you, so be there! But apart from you there is also ‘masculinity’. If you, man, are not doing your best to be there, then this may already be a huge competition. Got it? We’re not finished yet. Then there is also ‘Man’. I mean: something deeply present somewhere inside the woman. Carl Jung would probably call it the ‘animus’. Now you may love or hate this Mr. Animus, but if you don’t partner up with him, chances are dim that the lady will be pleased. It’s called ‘chemistry’. Oh my!
Sex-appeal is an invitation to get inside… the mind of course. And the body too, but through the mind. This is: through meaningfulness and especially very deep meaningfulness. This is not as in ‘deep and dark and heavy’, but as in ‘deep and light and playful’. Lots of humor. Lots of openness, from both side. Lots of curves, too. And using those curves. Enjoying those curves. Sex-appeal is not about hiding. It’s about showing what cannot be seen with only two eyes. For this, showing the whole body is far less adequate than showing, well, just enough. This can be a whole leg or just an ankle. It can be just two eyes above a veil. It can be a simple movement of a curve. It can even be the not showing of anything. This is a symbolic domain in which all can be said by saying: “I do not say anything!”