Turtle Vagaries

April 3, 2021 Cognitive Insights, Sociocultural Issues No Comments

If you think this is about you, you might be right.

Even more, it is about you as total-person.

Any ocean turtle sticks out its neck most of the time. Each time it does, it’s vulnerable. The wise turtle knows when to do so and when not. That is how it lives ― sometimes to very old age. That is how it can go far in its turtle’s ocean.

People also have – mental – shells, frequently conforming to culturally sanctioned constructs. This way, we don’t always show ourselves as total-person. That is perfectly OK sometimes.

At other times, it is hurtful, seriously, to ourselves and others.

In-house daring

In the human case, this starts with daring to look within the own mental house, seeing how the in-house mental stream doesn’t always flow in a directly controllable way. [see: “The Stream of Non-Consciousness”]

There are lively challenges inside of the shell. This applies to a monk on top of a mountain as well as to a person in full business life, as to a University professor of philosophy, as to anyone. Deep-down, in-house reality may turn your self-image upside down and inside out. [see: “The Non-Conscious is no Automaton”]

Out-house daring

Something is not necessarily ethically good because it is the present situation in a particular society or because ‘it works’ without respectfully asking oneself what is this ‘it’ that really works (placebo or you?) and towards what goal (personal comfort or growth?). [see: ”‘Doing Good’: Not as Easy as It Seems”]

Since many people have in-house issues, going with the societal flow is not necessarily the best choice. The flow might be heading towards a historical avalanche. A manipulative sociopath may hack the stream underneath. [see: “Streaming Underneath“]

At present, it seems we are heading towards several avalanches related to in-house problems.

Open mindfulness

Open mindfulness is about opening up responsibly, daringly, and caringly. [see: “Open Mindfulness – Read&Do”]

Being open mindful is following the example of the turtle. The turtle is mindful of danger as well as what the ocean brings ― the ocean! This way, the turtle goes a long way, thousands of miles.

What about you?

Ocean of Compassion

Open mindfulness opens toward inside ― from there toward outside. [see: “Altruism – Compassion”] This is the most socially-oriented endeavor, leading to all people’s ocean, which is a Compassionate one ― not, therefore, a comfortable one.

For example, Western humanism was originally total-person oriented. To many at present, it’s like another shell. An update is direly needed and can be found in Compassion. [see: “Humanism with a Vengeance”]

The worldwide economic system is somehow stuck in unsustainable capitalism, not because it is the best for all people but because those with money have strong shields. We need something to guide us beyond capitalism. In my view, this is Compassion, leading to deep meaningfulness for all. [see: “From Deep Meaning to Post-Capitalism”]

In A.I., the striving is for general intelligence. Without proper conceptual insight into ‘consciousness,’ this may be the last avalanche for humanity. It is necessary to reach Compassionate A.I. before this happens. [see: “The Journey Towards Compassionate A.I.”] For this to happen, we humans first of all need to stick out our necks and open up to ourselves. May I say it’s urgent?

And ah, COVID, meanwhile. In mind-body dualism, we’re drabbling along.


Real-life – the one outside of the shell – may derogatorily be called ‘Utopia’ by those who keep shell-shut.

I’m thinking especially about those who should know but don’t, who should take action but don’t, preferring comfortable sadness at any cost above daily trying to get out of the shell at least slightly.

We collectively know better.

What about you?

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