The Inclined Plane

December 1, 2022 Sociocultural Issues No Comments

This is not a new insight if you know AURELIS. What it does show with a metaphor is the seriousness of the present-day Middle Ages on our way toward straightening the plane.

Imagine a massive mental plane.

People are living on that plane. Is it the medieval Earth before it became round? Anyway, this plane is inclined. Yet the people are holding on to it, living their lives as well as they can.

At least, most of them at any moment.

Many don’t.

Once they start gliding, it becomes ever more difficult to hold on. After a while, they fall from the plane, ending badly.

Sadly, I am describing reality in a metaphor.

The inclined plane is a fundamentally wrong view of the human being.

This view puts the ego at the center of control (egocentrism, not egoism). Ego wants to remain there and will do anything it can to keep the plane inclined ― necessary for ego control.

This may jeopardize the whole person who may start gliding. Mere-ego – blinded for anything except itself – doesn’t care or doesn’t notice. This may seem very weird to aliens visiting this flat, inclined Earth. Unless they have transcended the same experience in their past, they don’t see the relevance of mere-ego trying to damage what it is eventually a part of.

What damage?

The resulting damage is very diverse, which makes it challenging to see the common cause.

Some directions:

  • lifelong mental problems
  • psychosomatic problems
  • many sociocultural problems
  • wars

Death results in several directions ― millions altogether yearly, no small deal.

Solutions are sought on the inclined plane itself.

Since the plane is the problem, here lies the biggest hurdle for finding solutions. It’s not that they aren’t found yet. It’s that they can/will principally never be found there.

Meanwhile, what is being found are more potent ways to pin people down. Problems with this are:

  • People stay people ― resisting their being pinned down, even though frequently in vain.
  • Results are not durable.
  • The pinning down may be plainly hurtful, leading to additional in-depth problems in addition to overtly visible side effects and complications.
  • If the pinning stops without straightening the plane, people start gliding again.

The real solution lies in straightening the plane.

When will this happen?

Not as long as many people who could take responsibility just don’t.

Not as long as many people who could search their own depth just don’t.

Not as long as many people who could be more daring just don’t.

Unfortunately, there is little movement in this. How come?

Many are anxious lest they themselves start gliding.

Other are afraid of those who are anxious.

But most of the anxiety might well come from sensing one’s Inner Strength. This particular anxiety may be the most influential consequence of the pinning-down. Cutting this loose may bring one into the slippery slope of unplugged reality.

Who dares taking the challenge?

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