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Real Compassion is Really Effective

Compassion is very complex. Together with a lack of understanding comes a huge underrating of its effectiveness. Where does the effectiveness come from? Subconceptual (largely non-conscious) mental processing controls the body and conscious mind ― one can say: from the inside. At this level, mental-neuronal patterns are mind and body simultaneously. Consequently: It profoundly influences Read the full article…


Several of these terms are specific to AURELIS. If you want some AURELIS-specific term explained, please email us at . Active acceptance: Embracing one’s experiences and emotions fully without resistance, facilitating inner peace and personal growth. Active placebo: An active placebo itself has (side) effects (unlike a passive placebo). To the extent that the Read the full article…

Who We Deeply Are and Why it’s Crucial to Know

I don’t want to be a scaremonger. But I’m scared, and I intend to monger until the direction is of utmost clarity. From Afghanistan to the world Yesterday I saw Mahbouba Seraj talking on a program about the situation in Afghanistan. She’s a famous women’s rights activist, and she was talking about this. But I Read the full article…

40. Proving and Using the Mind in COVID

Many COVID deaths may have been preventable with relatively little effort ― many more to come. Meanwhile, we DO have the means for proper research and management. August 27, 2021   Daily Total Cases worldwide 712.601 216.168.904 Deaths worldwide 10.015 4.498.140 The sentiment in large parts of the West The sentiment is lately one of Read the full article…

Modernism – Postmodernism – Post-Postmodernism

Twentieth-century Europe has seen the three of them, with huge ups and downs as a result. We still haven’t passed the test cum laude. Conceptual – subconceptual Modernism (in stark form, as is meant in this text) as a movement attempts to conceptualize reality as a whole. At most, “Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must Read the full article…

Can Motivation be Purely Conscious?

Motivation as we know it is present in a system (you, me) that is partly conscious, partly non-conscious. Thus, the question is much more difficult than it appears at first sight. Nevertheless, towards future A.I., it will need to be solved. Purely conscious? This is also purely (even though possibly partly fuzzy) conceptual. Motivation would Read the full article…

No Compassion, no Sense

In search of sense in the most general way, I come to Compassion. Even intelligence makes no sense without it. What’s the meaning of it all? God is an easy solution. Believe in one or another, and you get meaningfulness for free. However, the solution is so easy that we find a thousand of them. Read the full article…

Future of Mental Healing

This is an AURELIS view. Of course, AURELIS (+ Lisa) is in the picture. One can see this as the pure use of Compassion in its complexity and effectiveness. If you want to cooperate, please contact us through the form or at About ‘mental healing’ In the broadest sense, mental healing is about the Read the full article…

What AURELIS is About

This text is no special revelation. You find openness in all blogs. In this one, I just put elements together. See also: [see: “Introducing AURELIS (Animated Video)”] Basically AURELIS is about the total-person, being fundamentally different from mere-ego. [see: “AURELIS Philosophy in a Nutshell (Animated Video)”] The total-person is one whole in body/mind, as well Read the full article…

From Mirror Neurons to Mirror Brain

Seeing the brain as a ‘mirror brain,’ we can see how empathy plays a crucial role in many things mind-related. Empathy is not an add-on. The human thinking is basically empathic. This is an excerpt from [see: “The Journey Towards Compassionate AI.”]. (This blog text is no easy reading.) Some researchers see mirror neurons as Read the full article…

How Empathy Works

This is an explanation at the mental-neuronal patterns level. Encompassing this, empathy goes beyond the purely conceptual, towards ‘big-c-Compassion.’ Please read [see: “Landscape of Empathy“], [see: “Essence of Compassion“] This text is a high-level explanation Being theoretical, it doesn’t delve into the how of making empathy work better depending on the goal. It does show Read the full article…

Introducing Lisa (Animated Video)

Without further delay, in this animated video, I bring you an introduction to Lisa. [Lisa animated video – 13:15′] If you want to cooperate, please contact us. If you have feedback, please let us know. This is a draft version. Here is the full written text. Hi, my name is Jean-Luc Mommaerts. I am a Read the full article…

Turtle Vagaries

If you think this is about you, you might be right. Even more, it is about you as total-person. Any ocean turtle sticks out its neck most of the time. Each time it does, it’s vulnerable. The wise turtle knows when to do so and when not. That is how it lives ― sometimes to Read the full article…

Compassion Connecting East & West

And North and South, of course, and everything in-between ― even past, present, and future. Essential A Compassionate attitude is to be received gracefully after sometimes earning it with huge effort and even danger to yourself. Sacrifices are unnecessary, but the person who is reluctant to make them can hardly attain a Compassionate stance. At Read the full article…

Compassion and Constructionism

Constructionism shows the importance of not getting stuck in a constructed reality. Compassion ethically realizes this for the good of many. I write Compassion with a Capital because of its relation to the subconceptual. Depth involved Compassion encompasses a profound way of looking at people (and all sentient beings). ‘Deep’ in this means that the Read the full article…

Lisa Into the Future

Say, 2030. (Hopefully sooner.) “The only defense against bad A.I. is good A.I.” Does this sound like a clear statement? Of course, there is a grain of salt needed when reading the following. Still, it is a possible future, one way or another. Perhaps Lisa will be Jérôme or Annabel or Li Ping. In any Read the full article…

And more

I closed my eyes – more or less – put my hand in the box of PubMed (huge repository of abstracts and references to top-level medical journal articles) and took out a bunch of relevant research to share it with you in this chapter. There is a lot more in PubMed for whoever cares to Read the full article…

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