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18. Stress: Amorphous Thing or a World of Meaning?

Throw all colors in one and the same pot and the result is grey: that’s no basis for a beautiful painting. In the thirties of the last century, Hans Selye introduced the concept of ‘GAS’ (General Adaptation Syndrome) as the default response of an organism to a stressor. He was the first person who saw Read the full article…

Sliding to the Underlying…

the distinction between ‘symptomatic’ and ‘symptom-as-tube’ is super important. A short review Medicine is often symptomatic. It is about fighting the symptom, attaching little to no importance to any signs of an underlying psychosomatic situation. In several forms of psychotherapy, one mainly focuses on the underlying. The symptom may decrease by responding to these underlying Read the full article…

14. Is This Me, or Is It My Brain?

I use my brain, but who is ‘I’ without a brain? Is a brain an instrument of ‘I’? If this is the case, then is ‘I’ a kind of homunculus that is present somewhere in a separate box in the brain? In the Middle Ages it was thought that this was indeed the case. For Read the full article…

AURELIS Vision and Mission

“Optimally validating the deeper layers of human psyche of all people and in all domains of life through practical tools, science and philosophy, with deep respect for every total human being and with as final aims: durable health and well-being, striving for truth and complete non-aggression.” AURELIS Vision AURELIS stands for the mining and development Read the full article…

What is Not Coming from You, Flattens You

‘Flattens you’ in the sense of being apathic, without depth. E.g. suppose a mother gives kisses on a sore place and she continues to ‘mother’ the pain with superficial attention for a long time -> she sensitizes her child for pain by not learning it how to deal with pain from itself. The mother thinks Read the full article…

77. Of cause!

Patients often think that medical reasoning is mostly causal reasoning. Doctors often think so too. This is not the case. And that’s too bad, because it would make things so much easier… ◊◊◊ Still, we better don’t rely on wishful thinking. ◊◊◊ Causal reasoning is a myth that can easily be deconstructed. Therefore, we have Read the full article…

23. Sleeping pills are keeping us awake

Worldwide, many tons of sleeping pills are taken each year. A huge number of people take it on a chronic basis, while it is well known that the effect disappears after 3 weeks. Why is this? A question that may truly keep one awake. ◊◊◊ The answer, which is an answer-in-three-stages, may keep one awake Read the full article…

Ask Wiki-Lisa

For a beta version of Wiki-Lisa, click here. A preliminary version of Coaching-Lisa is accessible through this link. If you are looking for an AurelisOnLine session of guided meditation, please ask Lisa through this link. For Lisa Pitching Lisa, click here. Caution: Lisa is a software, not a human being. However, as a Compassionate entity in Read the full article…

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