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The Double Ethical Bottleneck of A.I.

This is a small excerpt from my book The Journey Towards Compassionate A.I. The whole book describes the why’s, what’s and how’s concerning this. Getting through the A.I. bi-bottleneck On the road towards genuine super-A.I. – encompassing all domains of intelligence and in each being much more effective than humans – I see not one Read the full article…

The Lisa Revolution ― A.I. Towards Personalized Mind-Related Healthcare

The Lisa revolution is bound to disruptively innovate mind-related healthcare, based on a modern scientific view on the human being and using A.I. to bring practical results and proof. [Please read about the AureLisa Global Consortium. If you have been contacted in this regard, the revolution is welcoming you. Otherwise, if interested, don’t hesitate to Read the full article…

Can Compassion Be the Certain Future?

‘Certain’ as in what can be ascertained. Can we make the future certainly Compassionate? Please read: Compassion, Basically Versus a (non-)Compassionate future Can one presuppose that Compassion is a good goal for everyone? Many may not personally agree. So, would it be OKAY to base the whole – practically endless – future on this endeavor? Read the full article…

Compassion =

This text is about the externals of Compassion ― what it points to, and what it can accomplish. Please also read about the internals of Compassion: what it is, basically. Compassion is about human depth, but it is also about rationality within this depth. This leads to ancient as well as scientifically new insights and Read the full article…

Medical A.I. for Humans

Medical A.I. is flourishing and will be more so in the future. Therefore, we must ensure that it serves the total human being. The main challenge Through medical A.I. – substantially more than ever – humans can become either more humane or robotized from the inside out. This is not about putting probes etc. in Read the full article…

Real Compassion is Really Effective

Compassion is very complex. Together with a lack of understanding comes a huge underrating of its effectiveness. Where does the effectiveness come from? Subconceptual (largely non-conscious) mental processing controls the body and conscious mind ― one can say: from the inside. At this level, mental-neuronal patterns are mind and body simultaneously. Consequently: It profoundly influences Read the full article…

Explorative Self-Learning A.I.

This is more than a nice feature. It is essential for humans to become intelligent creatures. It may also be essential to future super-A.I. The human case Explorative learning is what every human child does. We call it ‘playing.’ It can last a lifetime. Indeed, those who feel young at old age are those who Read the full article…

Is A.I. Dangerous to Human Cognition?

I have roamed around this on several occasions within ‘The Journey towards Compassionate A.I.’ (of which this is an excerpt) The prime reason why I think it’s dangerous is, in one term: hyper-essentialism. But let me first give two viewpoints upon your thinking: Essentialism: presupposes that the categories in your mind – such as an Read the full article…

A Divided World Will be Conquered by A.I.

Seriously. People fighting each other at a geopolitical level will, through competition and strife, build a world in which A.I. follows suit. There is no doubt about this: IF… THEN. As I write in my book ‘The Journey towards Compassionate A.I.,’ we are entitled to be anxious about A.I. – the real one, soon to Read the full article…

A.I. and In-Depth Sustainability

Soon enough, A.I. may become the biggest opportunity (and threat) to human-related sustainability. I hope that AURELIS/Lisa insights and tools can help counter the threat and realize the opportunity. This text is not an enumeration of what we may use present-day A.I. (or what carries that name) for to enhance sustainable solutions. It’s about Compassionate Read the full article…

No Compassion, no Sense

In search of sense in the most general way, I come to Compassion. Even intelligence makes no sense without it. What’s the meaning of it all? God is an easy solution. Believe in one or another, and you get meaningfulness for free. However, the solution is so easy that we find a thousand of them. Read the full article…

About ‘Intelligence’ (in A.I.)

At the brink of a new intelligence, it’s crucial to know what we’re heading towards. Seriously trying to clarify the concept may help. Many intelligences Whether knowledgeable or not, many people try to answer the question of what exactly is ‘intelligence.’ Needless to say, popping up are many different answers. This should not deter anyone Read the full article…

Future A.I.: Fluid or Solid?

Humans are fluid thinkers. That gives us huge strength and some major challenges. The one does not go without the other. A.I. – including Semantic A.I. – is still a very different matter. Through proper context, data becomes information. Still, the information as it is stored in a book is not in any way like Read the full article…

Human-Centered A.I.: Total-Person or Ego?

This makes for a huge difference, especially since the future of humanity is at stake. With good intentions, one may pave the road to disaster. Everybody, including me, should take this at heart. ‘Doing good’ may take much effort in understanding what one is tinkering with. This is relevant in any domain. [see:” ‘Doing Good’: Read the full article…

Compassion Connecting East & West

And North and South, of course, and everything in-between ― even past, present, and future. Essential A Compassionate attitude is to be received gracefully after sometimes earning it with huge effort and even danger to yourself. Sacrifices are unnecessary, but the person who is reluctant to make them can hardly attain a Compassionate stance. At Read the full article…

Causation in Humans and A.I.

Causal reasoning is needed to be human. Will it also transcend us into A.I.? Many researchers are on this path. We should try to understand it as well as possible. Some philosophy Causality is a human construct. In reality, there are only correlations. If interested in such philosophical issues, [see: “Infinite Causality”]. In the present Read the full article…

Who We Are. What A.I. Can become.

In the near future, we will learn many exciting things in both domains. They will turn out to be very inspiring in both directions. “I think one of the big breakthroughs that’s going to come is we’re going to understand the brain… so that suddenly it all begins to click” Quoting Geoffrey Hinton, ‘godfather of Read the full article…

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