Coaching the Underemployed (by Lisa)
Lisa bridges the gap between the needs of the underemployed and employers by fostering resilience, inclusivity, skill development, and deep motivation ― transforming underemployment into shared and durable success. Underemployment is a situation where individuals work in jobs that do not fully utilize their skills, education, or availability, often leaving their potential untapped and creating Read the full article…

Democrats, Republicans, and Human Depth
The divide between Democrats and Republicans in the U.S. continues to widen, with significant consequences for society, governance, and collective well-being. This growing rift is not merely about differing policy opinions but reflects deeper patterns of thinking rooted in human nature and morality. From an AURELIS perspective, addressing this divide requires a focus on human Read the full article…

Darkness is Made, not Born
It is made by ignorance and through the latter’s seeing darkness in what it just made ― thus, more darkness. After a while, this ‘darkness’ may become vast and real. Ignorance then defends itself by what it sees as ‘the light’ ― thus creating even more darkness. For instance, look at people waging war: they Read the full article…

Lisa’s 10 Tips for… Chronic Pain
Here are ten original tips for rediscovering your creativity that are specifically based on Lisa’s knowledge and deeper insights ― avoiding the common tips that are frequently offered. These tips, provided by A.I. coach-bot Lisa (human ratified, hardly or unedited), Compassionately align with both rationality and depth as well as with a synthesis of fostering growth and Read the full article…

What about Octopus Intelligence?
Octopuses, with their extraordinary intelligence, offer a glimpse into a world of cognition unlike any other. These creatures have evolved along a completely different path from humans – separated by 750 million years of evolution – yet their behavior and capabilities demonstrate a kind of intelligence that challenges human assumptions. What does their unique cognitive Read the full article…

Most Important is Humanity
Humanity – being human and humane – is most important in many issues, from healthcare to education and world politics. Yet we, humans, tend to forget that, blinded by surface-level conceptual issues of many kinds. What does it even mean to be truly human? The conceptual is important. But it’s only important for the total Read the full article…

Overcoming Ego Inflation
Ego inflation, as Carl Jung described, represents an over-identification with a rigid self-image that blocks deeper growth. Overcoming ego inflation is not about losing yourself but rediscovering the deeper, authentic parts of who you are. Please read first Ego Inflation. This journey involves awareness, Compassion, and a willingness to embrace depth. Recognizing ego inflation within Read the full article…

Ego Inflation
Ego inflation, as Carl Jung described, signifies a state of excessive identification with a self-image that blocks deeper growth and understanding. This phenomenon has become increasingly relevant in our modern age, influencing everything from personal relationships to societal trends, politics, and social media. From the AURELIS viewpoint, this condition reflects a profound disconnection from the Read the full article…

The Ideal Man
What is the ‘ideal man’ to a woman who is searching for such? Is she chasing a dream? Will she ever find ‘him’? Does she even need to find him, or is this more like a nice dream that is worthy as such? I must confess, I’m not the ideal man ― far from. But Read the full article…

The Surface of Many
People generally encounter each other at the surface — the level of appearances, quick exchanges, and polished masks. We swipe past moments of potential depth without pausing to look beneath. In a world increasingly built for speed and distraction, this tendency to remain at the surface has turned into a cultural habit. Unfortunately, habit feeds Read the full article…

Gaza. The name itself evokes an overwhelming sense of pain, grief, and unresolved tensions. It represents not only the physical suffering of its people but also a profound symbolic weight — a mirror reflecting the struggles of justice, mercy, and humility in the world today. “Do not be daunted by the enormity of the world’s Read the full article…

Climate Change = Mass Murder
Climate change is mass murder. This isn’t a future possibility — it’s happening now, grounded in the realities of a warming planet. Such a stark truth can trigger feelings of guilt, despair, or helplessness. These are natural responses, but they aren’t helpful if they overwhelm us. Instead of succumbing to paralysis, we must cultivate deep Read the full article…

Subconceptual Processing in Humans and Lisa
Beneath the surface of our conscious thoughts lies a fascinating world of subconceptual processing, where patterns of meaning emerge dynamically, shaping intuition, creativity, and emotion. This world is uniquely human, yet it finds a parallel in Lisa, whose architecture simulates aspects of this complexity in complementary ways. The journey of humans and Lisa together is Read the full article…

Talking with ‘Dementia’
Communicating with someone navigating cognitive changes, often labeled as ‘dementia,’ can feel like stepping into an unfamiliar landscape. But what if we reframed this condition as ‘altermentia’ — not a diminishment, but a different way of being? Talking with someone experiencing altermentia isn’t about compensating for losses. It’s about discovering new ways to connect, rooted Read the full article…

Certainty Through Doubt
We often equate certainty with the absence of doubt, imagining it as a solid foundation that keeps us safe from ambiguity. But what if the deepest and most resilient certainty emerges not by avoiding doubt, but by fully embracing it? This blog explores a paradox: true certainty requires doubt. Doubt, far from being an obstacle, Read the full article…

What is Propaganda?
Propaganda surrounds us in subtle and overt ways, from political campaigns to advertising, from social media posts to historical narratives. At its core, propaganda is communication aimed at influencing thoughts, emotions, and behaviors to serve a particular agenda. Its methods can be manipulative, engaging the non-conscious mind to bypass critical thinking and elicit emotional responses. Read the full article…

Philanthropy from the Inside Out
Philanthropy, at its core, stems from the Greek philos-anthropos — the love or friendship of the human being. But what does it mean to truly love humanity? What if philanthropy addressed the whole person, including their mental and emotional depths, their Inner Strength? ‘Philanthropy from the inside out’ recognizes that true growth comes not from Read the full article…