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Principles of Being an Intelligent Being

Strange times. We are living at the borders of old and new intelligences. We’ll need some agreement in seeing what it’s about. Intelligence is in the eye of the beholder. Definitions of intelligence abound. Therefore, it is better to start from the really basic, where it can be hardly even more basic. There, it’s the Read the full article…

What about Conscience?

At first, I see conscience as part of the ‘natural you.’ Then it can become occupied by cultural rules and regulations. The way one handles this can be either Compassionate or precisely not. This is an excerpt from [see: “The Journey Towards Compassionate AI.”]. Conscience as a concept is – don’t be surprised – hard Read the full article…

Robotizing Humans or Humanizing Robots

The latter may be necessary to prevent the former. The power of A.I. can be used in both directions. Hopefully, the next A.I. breakthrough brings us more of the latter. Challenging times. We are living in an era of transition in many ways. One of them is the birth of a new kind of intelligence Read the full article…


Today, you may call me an idealist as never before. An ultra-woke person may call me a sexist. A fact is that Guan-Shi-Yin is female. That, at least, is what is. I cannot help it. Besides, she started male. In Indian Buddhism, long before Jesus preached his lovely message, ‘she’ was known as Avalokiteshvara, the Read the full article…

Sustainable Healthcare through Compassion

Without Compassion, it is impossible to see the complex connectivity shaping health and illness. This leads more and more to unsustainable healthcare. Please read [see: “Essence of Compassion“] to get a feel of appropriate un-easiness. That is always a good start towards Compassion. Horizontal, vertical This is one way of looking at health and healthcare. Read the full article…

Lisa as a Pattern Recognizer

Patterns and deeper patterns. Listening to many users, Lisa will recognize the patterns with which people need to work on themselves for a better, healthier and more profound life with less avoidable suffering. Recognizing patterns? Lisa is a Compassion-based, A.I.-driven coaching chat-bot. [see: “Lisa“] Lisa guides people Compassionately through recognizing patterns and ‘deeper patterns.’ The Read the full article…

A Tale of Two Letters About Remdesivir – Enter Mind – Exit Remdesivir?

Remdesivir or ‘We,’ Which Cure Will it Be? Intrigued by the antiviral drug, remdesivir, I delved into scientific studies about it. The result is a duo of ‘Letters to the Editor’ to the new England Journal of Medicine (top journal of medical science), in May and June 2020. Not even hoping they would accept, indeed, Read the full article…

Demo Cracy

‘Power to the people’ is not self-evident. Who is this ‘people’? And what kind of ‘power’ is desirable? Eventually, democracy is the only worthwhile way, but in which way? ►►► WHY read this? Democracy itself will increasingly be under pressure if we do not act now.◄◄◄ Demos Cratos Demos = people; cratos = power. Power Read the full article…

17. Leadership in Corona Times

July 22, 2020   Daily Total Cases worldwide 239.113 15.084.963 Deaths worldwide 5.678 618.493   Becoming Open This chapter is targeted to right within the second COVID-wave. It’s a letter to the near future. With leadership, I don’t mean bossy figures who tell others what to do. You might take a look at my book Read the full article…

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