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Many Intelligences

Intelligence can take many forms to such a diverse degree that talking about many intelligences is appropriate. Where does this thinking lead us to? This is not a discussion about whether or not there is ‘plant intelligence.’ More important is the thinking about your intelligence. Are you simply a being that enjoys the ‘phenomenon of Read the full article…

Why are We Conscious?

Even more interesting – but actually the same question – is: Why are we self-conscious? Ask nature. I don’t see any question about consciousness as a hard one ― eventually. Are we conscious? Compared with other animals, and comparing them with each other, we can see degrees of intelligence and consciousness — the latter mainly Read the full article…

Compassion is the Intelligent Future

The only proper future of intelligence, whether natural or artificial, is Compassionate. Why? In my view, Compassion is the only way for a total civilization to be sustainable — thus, to grow and become more intelligent. Intelligence wants more of itself. Compassion also wants more of itself. Thus, Compassionate intelligence is a powerful self-enhancing combination. Read the full article…

Will Lisa Bring More Work?

At any time, A.I. (including coach-bot Lisa) must support people in the diverse needs presently met by their work. From that ethical basis, we can consider the short and long term. It’s interesting in this regard to make a conceptual difference between work and job. New developments may simultaneously lead to fewer jobs and more Read the full article…

At the Brink of Robotics?

Soon enough, we will see a revolution in robotics development on the scale of the present and pending A.I.-in-knowledge revolution. Together, these revolutions will bring eu-topia or dystopia. We don’t know, but we should not remain idle. Pretty much the same basic technologies This is: apart from some translation that makes the analogies less obvious Read the full article…

The Difference between Work and Job

A job is a job. Work is, broadly seen, the production of something meaningful within a specific structure and using energy. In this sense, work has been essential to life from the start of life itself. The essence of life is 1) to use energy, 2) to do so within a specific structure, and 3) Read the full article…

Three Reasons for a Guiltless Future

Guilt is as much an illusion as is the omnipotence of mere-ego within one’s mind (total self). Humanity is traveling toward the evaporation of both – joint – illusions. Great, but meanwhile, the path is challenging. You might read about how responsibility can replace feelings of guilt. See also the story of ego. The tip Read the full article…

Are You a Trekkie?

Star Trek (popular TV series) is about a future in which a specific economic-moral worldview has been realized ― also shedding light on today’s capitalism. No money In the Star Trek world, there seems to be no need for money anymore. Not just the physical money, credit cards or anything. Also the very concept of Read the full article…

One Sacredness for All

People from any religion can feel that sacredness transpires through their religion. Can they also feel sacredness transpire through other religions? Can you? Sacredness versus reductionism For the reductionist, the only ontologically real entities are particles in motion, to which any other complexity in the universe can be reduced and explained. Sacredness is the faith Read the full article…

Why Open Leadership is the Future

The future: soon enough, and from then, forever. Open Leadership is about getting real, which is increasingly necessary to thrive as an individual, an organization, and a species. Increasingly necessary It’s 2023. The past few years have seen global turmoil as never before in my lifetime. We see crisis on top of crisis: a viral Read the full article…

The Belief in Progress

Some people believe that a profound belief in progress is necessary and even ethically mandatory. To them, one is – or at least looks like – a wrong person if one doesn’t follow. Belief in progress may be needed to surmount societal crises ― as arguably happened in the past. It may counter societal post-traumatic Read the full article…

Goodness, Badness, and Ugliness of Ego

A good appreciation of ego is indispensable for attaining a better world in which ego plays its proper part ― no less, no more. One may think that one has gotten rid of one’s ego. Yet, in that very sentence, look who’s talking and thinking ― ego itself? Indeed, ego is a master in disguise. Read the full article…

Patterns of Everything

Perception is finding patterns. So is thinking. The patterns are in what is perceived or thought and in the perceiving and thinking themselves. This text may seem difficult, but it becomes much easier if you take your time. [‘Patternist’ = related to patterns] Patterns are regularities in associations This way, anything we can see or Read the full article…

Constructionism – Constructor – Construct

If there is a constructed reality, something or someone must be constructing this reality. This is not different for any socially constructed reality ― say, any culture or subculture in its distinctiveness from others. In philosophical (radical) constructionism, everything can be a construction, while social constructionism is just mind-related (sub)culture-sceptic. The former may lead to Read the full article…

AURELIS Levels in a Pyramid

This is what AURELIS (+ Lisa) is about. From abstract to concrete, a lot has been worked out or may soon be ready for deployment. All levels are profoundly consistent. Please also take a look at: Introducing AURELIS (Animated Video). Or you may prefer AURELIS in a nutshell (Animated Video). You find here a written Read the full article…

Compassion =

This text is about the externals of Compassion ― what it points to, and what it can accomplish. Please also read about the internals of Compassion: what it is, basically. Compassion is about human depth, but it is also about rationality within this depth. This leads to ancient as well as scientifically new insights and Read the full article…

One Future, One World

At present, a dream, although an awakened one. Without striving for it, it will never happen. So, let’s dream and strive. I cannot imagine a distant future without far-reaching unity. Hopefully, there will be many diverse cultures and always a lot to discover. Hopefully, these cultures will recognize that we are all very much the Read the full article…

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