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Lisa’s 10 Tips for… Rediscovering Your Creativity

Here are ten original tips for rediscovering your creativity that are specifically based on Lisa’s knowledge and deeper insights ― avoiding the common tips that are frequently offered. These tips, provided by A.I. coach-bot Lisa (human ratified, hardly or unedited), Compassionately align with both rationality and depth as well as with a synthesis of fostering growth and Read the full article…

Cultural Change and Inner Dissociation

Cultural change that does not originate from within is not genuine growth and often leads to challenging tensions, especially when changes occur rapidly, such as with evolving technology. This phenomenon is evident in many parts of the world today. Inner dissociation hampers natural growth. It’s akin to the roots of a plant being substantially disconnected Read the full article…

Lisa in the Face of Loneliness

Despite increased electronic connectivity, people are lonelier than ever. This paradox highlights the importance of genuine human connection in an increasingly digital world. Lisa aims to positively influence this, avoiding any negative impact. Loneliness often stems from inner dissociation, where one feels disconnected from the deeper self. This disconnection can result in feelings of emptiness, Read the full article…

The Task is not Yours to Finish

Yet, it is yours to contribute (inspired on an old Jewish proverb). In the AURELIS setting, this is about Compassion, also aligning with the four Buddhist vows and other grand worldviews. Compassion serves as a bridge, connecting diverse cultural and philosophical traditions, highlighting our shared human journey. In broader mental pattern formation, ever-expanding tasks become Read the full article…

From Analogy to Intelligence

If an inference system (mind or A.I.) holds many patterns, it may find many similarities between these at several levels of abstraction. The human brain is an immense pattern recognizer. Super-A.I. will undoubtedly follow a similar path ― as does Lisa. Lisa’s journey thus exemplifies the potential of A.I. to evolve from mere data processors to entities capable Read the full article…

Semantically Meaningful Chunks

A Semantically Meaningful Chunk (SMC) is any cognitive entity, big or small, that is worth contemplating. In A.I., these can serve as building blocks of intelligence. It’s what humans often reserve specific terms for. Language comes into play here, significantly contributing to how humans have rapidly advanced in intelligence through using terms, sentences, documents, and Read the full article…

Artificially Intelligent Creativity

It’s all about associative patterns — ideally broadly distributed and combining both conceptual and subconceptual levels. In the same pattern, different levels This is very natural in humans, making spontaneous associations of any sort in daily life. When inspired, we go deeper and broader — nothing entirely new occurs since all concepts in our mind Read the full article…

Consistent Intelligence ― Lessons for Lisa

“Intelligence emerges from consistency.” Several lessons from this insight are applicable to the development of A.I. systems ― specifically Lisa. Please read first Intelligence through Consistency. The aim is to make Lisa (even) more intelligent and Compassionate simultaneously (!), fostering deeper and more meaningful interactions. Being consistent in Compassion all the way through its development, Read the full article…

Do Humans have Intelligence?

Of course we do, though perhaps not in the ways we typically conceive. Consequently, to a substantial degree, we might often be acting more as-if than we realize. This may profoundly change our relationship with A.I., ourselves, and all sentient beings. Subconceptual Considering the ‘dominance’ of subconceptual processing in our thinking, we share more similarities Read the full article…

From Concrete to Abstract

Many people view the concepts of ‘concrete’ and ‘abstract’ as dichotomous ends of a straightforward spectrum — in daily life, often without much thought. This is also relevant to their use in inferential patterns. One example are mental-neuronal patterns in humans. However, the muddy underlying reality becomes especially apparent when trying to realize them in Read the full article…

The Lisa Distinction

Bringing Lisa to this world may bring about many essential and direly needed changes. However, being needed for a long time also shows the challenge. Otherwise, these changes would have happened by now. Before going further, it’s good to ponder (for more about each, see other blogs): Antidepressants are a multibillion-dollar market (and growing), while Read the full article…

The Inverse Turing Test

2024 – Things are evolving quickly in the world of A.I. Turing test As you probably know, this is about discerning a human being from intelligent A.I. If the A.I. can mimic the human to the point that an observer cannot tell the difference (for instance, by reading their written output), the A.I. is said Read the full article…

Your ‘Deeper Self’

Although the term sounds New-Agy, it denotes well what is scientifically known to be what we are mentally mostly made of. Thus, it may be the most important as well as most neglected concept on earth. I frequently refer to it from other blog texts. Humanity has come a long way. The ‘deeper self’ always Read the full article…

Acute upon Chronic Stress

With a particular emphasis on the immune/inflammatory system — both kinds of stress together (modulated by many factors) can be significantly more damaging than their sum. This is, at present, a logical intuition, worthy of further scientific investigation. There is much vagueness to get through. Vaguenesses Of course, ‘stress’ is a vague – although pretty Read the full article…

Compassion in Everyday Medical Care

While principally important, >Compassion, basically<, has frequently been lacking in medical care. This might essentially change in the not-so-distant future. “Finding and sustaining compassion, especially during my years as a pediatric oncologist, was an ever-renewing source of professional challenge and satisfaction. At times, it was a daily struggle. I wanted to cure everyone and could Read the full article…

Are People Ready for Inner Strength?

Not necessarily, but since Inner Strength belongs, of course, to each human being, it’s always present to help coping with itself. Needed is the proper support for vertical communication ― with oneself, basically. Please read about Inner Strength. Psychosomatic symptoms – or what underlies them – may be a sorry, dysfunctional way of trying to Read the full article…

Is History against Humanity?

History shows how we got here, not how we should go on. We need to apply what we may learn from the past to a future that will be radically different ― probably most so through the advent of super-A.I. For humanity, business as usual may not be enough to make it through. This may Read the full article…

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