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Open Leadership – Read&Do

Part of the foreword to my book about Open Leadership (see Amazon Books in the menu). This is not one more kind of leadership. Any kind can be more or less ‘Open.’ I write this with a capital because it denotes the ‘universe inside’ from where one can more openly relate to the environment from Read the full article…

The Basic Cognitive Illusion

‘Basic cognitive illusion’: the fact that we are non-consciously motivated, but are not consciously aware of this (since it’s non-conscious). We also don’t consciously notice our brain in this. So, there are two levels between consciousness and the physical brain, which gives us the strong illusion of mind-brain divide. [This text is a part of Read the full article…

Dawn of Opening Up

The times, they are a-changing into an era with many unforeseen challenges and possibilities. A.I. makes it even more so. One of the essential changes is a gradual Opening up of who we are as a human species, especially regarding the mind in its non-conscious presence. Openness in several domains As in AURELIS subprojects: Open Read the full article…

Burnout Prevention – Read&Do

This is the foreword to my book ‘Burnout Prevention’ that you can find on Amazon (see menu). Pandemic of burnout For the last few years, we have been witnessing a pandemic of burnout. COVID will not make this go away. On the contrary, while taking away much attention from it, the impact on burnout will Read the full article…

No Time to Waste on Subconceptual Processing

In many issues, with ‘no time to waste,’ we end up with no time at all. Wildfires One can be busy extinguishing wildfires and have no time to think about climate change causing these wildfires. Of course, the wildfires need to be extinguished. But with no attention to climate change, there will be more wildfires, Read the full article…

Complex is not Complicated

These are very distinct concepts. The latter is mechanical; the former is organic. The latter is controllable from the outside; the former is only controllable from the inside. This text is a short introduction in what and why. Complexity is indispensable to understand human affairs and how to alleviate growing crises. Complex? “A complex system Read the full article…

Streaming Underneath

A cultural stream may stream hard, even when it’s not readily visible. The latter may make it more challenging to manage, or even to influence. ►►► WHY read this?  You may feel the streaming sometimes. It’s challenging to take responsibility in this regard. ◄◄◄ What on earth is this guy talking about? I’m talking about Read the full article…

Sustainability From Inside Out

Several worldwide crises are coming together at present. As a physician, I see these as the symptoms of an underlying illness. The best way to sustain the patient is from the inside out. This is, in yet another nutshell, the core of the AURELIS project. From inside out As you may know, in AURELIS, this Read the full article…

22. Only ‘Control’ + COVID-Whirlpool = DISASTER

July 31, 2020 [see also: “The Future of the COVID Story”]   I am a medical doctor, specialized in mind-body medicine, master in cognitive science and A.I. The reason I start with this is that my expertise is absolutely pertinent, on par with, and complementary to the expertise of virologists. So, I wrote a book, Read the full article…

20. Autumn of COVID: Disaster2 Already?

(Re-)emergence COVID (re-)emerges in all kinds of countries where strict measures have not been maintained. This includes countries where the virus has never well receded (such as the US), countries where it has not peaked before (such as parts of Australia), and countries that saw a huge decrease after disaster (such as Spain and Belgium). Read the full article…

19. The Virus is Not the Enemy – War is Not the Answer

This goes further upon chapter 7, written three months and half a million official COVID deaths ago. Did you hear anyone talking about the psyche in causality yet? I mean, anyone except me? The virus side The virus is just a piece of RNA that wears a coating when outside of the living cells that Read the full article…

Are you Interested in Making the Future Together?

Let’s not get defeated by the virus. International top specialists say a second COVID wave is inevitable in the autumn. It seems they are wrong in that it will come sooner. In any case, autumn will be worse and winter even worse than that. We just came out of a mental-physical whirlpool. Virologists are specialists in virology, Read the full article…

13. Winter of COVID

Second Wave Corona? One big or several smaller ones? While we don’t know what is to happen, we can search for arguments. June 25, 2020 Quoting Andrea Ammon Director of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, 21 May 2020: “It’s not a question of if there will be a renewed surge but “when Read the full article…

8 COVID-Whirlpool – In Which Virus AND Mind Play Substantial Roles

April 27, 2020   I expand upon an idea about what happens to a person getting more and more COVID symptoms towards a whirlpool that may become fatal. A whirlpool scenario probably happens in many cases of illness. It corresponds with complexity and multi-causal thinking. In crash-course: put many elements together, add more and more Read the full article…

7. COVID Crash

Nothing worse than a false sense of security. Please, take every measure of precaution. Then, read on.   A virus is the smallest living thing on earth. And in a way, it’s not even living. It doesn’t replicate. It lets itself be multiplied. A virus is like a string of information caught in some genetic Read the full article…

Lisa in Corona Times

This is about what Lisa [see: “Lisa”] can accomplish in ‘corona times,’ now and in the future. Let’s hope to get her ‘live’ as soon as possible. Two ways Lisa can provide immediate help and relief of suffering through her full coaching including her guidance to AURELIS mental exercises. Lisa is also about pattern recognition Read the full article…

What Has Been, Is, and Will Be

Humanity is in turmoil. Several of the world’s biggest problems are at present happening together because of an underlying process. There is a need for a comprehensive look to see this process thoroughly. It is not so much related to what happens to us, humans, as to what happens from within us, who we are. Read the full article…

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