Open Religious Atheism

January 1, 2020 Open Religion No Comments

Open Religion is, in Openness, not tied to any exclusive image of God, nor even to the exclusivity of God. Openness is Open to what is not easily, or not at all conceptually graspable. Even talking about ‘God’ is at the edge of being able to do so.

►►► WHY read this? All religion is bound to become Open.◄◄◄

One can be religious in awe of a sunset.

Indeed, this is a very nice vehicle towards a universally religious feeling. One is in close contact with the motion of the earth, the sun, and the whole universe.

Does any more religious feeling exist?

An abstract to this blog

In five bullet points:

  • An atheist is one who does not believe in a conceptual God.
  • A belief in a conceptual God is no religious feeling.
  • A religious feeling is a prerequisite to true belief.
  • Thus, only an atheist can truly believe
  • (but, of course, not all atheists do so).
Let’s delve a bit more into each of these, one after another.

This is an interesting experience for any believer. One can see it as a mental exercise. Through this, a true believer may deepen his belief. Everyone else may see more clearly what it’s about.

So, are you ready?

An atheist is one who does not believe in a conceptual God.

A conceptual God is one who is supposed to have conceptual characteristics. Is he tall? Does he have a beard? Does she have humanly conceivable wishes? Can they be angry at each other sometimes? Is it finite? Or is it not finite?

An atheist does not think that any of these questions – except, maybe, the last one – makes any sense. He doesn’t believe that any of them can be rightfully or interestingly answered in non-poetic terms.

A belief in a conceptual God is no religious feeling.

A God who is waiting for another thousand years to send us an email and reveal His existence is not what an atheist would see as something ‘religious.’ It’s just plain nonsense.

Going back 10.000 years (in a mind experiment), one can get the feeling about meanwhile.

One can believe that God has a hammer. That is not a religious belief.

One can believe that it’s going to rain tomorrow. That is not a religious belief.

One can believe that God is male or female. That is not a religious belief.

There is a gradation in ‘conceptual.’ Also, there can be a complex of conceptual and non-conceptual elements. Above all this, however, the conceptual is not religious (in its meaning within Open Religion).

A religious feeling is a prerequisite to true belief.

Again: within Open Religion. For ‘true belief,’ see the previous point. [see also: “The Religious Feeling“]

Going to a church is not enough to have a religious feeling. The church (and congregation) can act as an invitation, a suggestion that may evoke a religious feeling. It doesn’t ‘make’ such a feeling. If it would, there would be no merit in such a belief. So, fortunately, it doesn’t.

Also, it’s not inert. If it were, there would be no point in going to church or doing anything ‘religious.’

It’s about the feeling. A religious belief is a (religious) feeling.

Thus, only an atheist can truly believe

Paradoxically, you see, one can be an atheist and a believer at the same time. In this sense, I do believe. [see: “I Believe“]

Anything conceptual that pretends to be necessary for any kind of belief is a contradiction in terms. Eventually, this also means that a true belief is always personal. [see: “Religion is a Conversation between God and Me“]

(but, of course, not all atheists do so).

In the triangle of religion [see: ” Triangle of Religion“], the ‘B’ is populated by atheists without religious feeling. At present, many people are falling or have fallen from ‘A’ to ‘B.’

Open Religion aims to prevent them from falling to ‘B.’ It is a very optimistic stance. The underlying idea is that this is possible for all people from all religions. [see: “Every Religion Is Open“]

This is not just a fluffy thought.

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