Mind-Body Column – Intro

September 30, 2018 Mind-Body Column No Comments

‘Mind-Body’ texts are written mainly for healthcare providers but also for broad public. These texts are intended to let readers each time again reflect for a while about psyche-related subjects in an intriguing way. Philosophical now and then and nevertheless also with concrete relevance to medical practice.

The basic idea is that in medical thinking and acting we are at the beginning of a pivoting era. We are entering a period in which mind-body unity plays a central role. This has an influence upon almost any aspect of medicine. The ‘deeper side of human being’ (not the Freudian way of looking at the subconscious!) comes more than ever to the forefront. These texts are thus no rumination of what already has been told dozens of times. Each time again the pursuit is ‘rationality with depth’.

The texts do not have the endeavor to give a complete picture of a certain field each time but to let the reader stand still and reflect for a little while, in the hope that this may eventually help a lot of patients.

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