There is Soul in Suffering

March 30, 2021 Cognitive Insights, Mental Growth No Comments

With due respect, one should not try to eliminate all suffering most quickly and easily.

Unfortunately, this indiscriminate stance seems to be precisely the promise of many products and services for sale.

Please be careful with this.

It can be easily misunderstood. This is not a glorification of pain. One should not seek it out as if to control anything into happening. Respect is of utmost importance. If you try to enforce anything depth-related, it may turn out less than nice.

Soul doesn’t let itself be manipulated. Moreover, it can be quite powerful, so better not make a mess of things.

With capitals because it’s about deep stuff

There is Soul in Suffering.

Nature doesn’t want us to suffer, but it does want ‘Soul,’ or ‘Life,’ or ‘Nature within us’ ― whatever term you like, whatever your source of deepest feelings. Sometimes, Suffering is the gateway. To eliminate this gateway carries the risk of eliminating everything worthwhile.

This is one reason why Compassion may be deemed more worthy than altruism. [see: “Altruism – Compassion“] Compassion sees when suffering is Suffering and should not be excised. Actually, one should always be careful. Non-Compassionate altruism may be depth-unfriendly.

It is challenging yet crucial to make the correct distinction.

What may happen afterward

A deeply painful occurrence in one’s life may sometimes be experienced as a blessing – especially afterward – because it is felt as bringing Life to life again. People are sometimes even grateful for the happening as “the best that ever came to me.”

Post-traumatic stress, with proper support, may bring an invigorated spirituality in one’s life. Adequate support is probably always depth-related. It turns out that, in many cases, a straightforward re-experiencing of the stressful event – such as a superficial debriefing after acute stress – makes matters worse. Depth is difficult but essential.

Very telling, a challenging situation may be the start of a heroic journey from which emerges a leader.

Again: carefulness is required.

A special kind of carefulness: very gentle, very subtle ― like when you take a butterfly in your palm in order to save it and you try not to hurt the butterfly.

This butterfly is you.

Getting more lyrical

(Note that neither is this a glorification of pain. It goes deeper.)

Se não tivesse o amor

Se não tivesse essa dor

E se não tivesse o sofrer

E se não tivesse o chorar

Melhor era tudo se acabar. *

Consolação by V. De Morães, Toquinho

* If there would not be the love, this pain, the suffering, and weeping, then it would be better to make an end to it all.

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