How Can Guided Meditation Sessions Help You?

February 15, 2018 AURELIS, Meditation No Comments

Making connection with deeper layers of yourself in an ethically sound way, you can invite yourself… and ‘grow’ – in mind and body.

The AURELIS project contains lots of guided meditation sessions in a number of domains, including many psychosomatic ones. Most symptoms are indeed psycho-somatic: mind and body are together relevant for health and healing. But how can such sessions work? In a comprehensive answer to this question, two steps are important.

The first step is a purely psychological one.

This involves the existence, well proved in modern science, of the ‘meaningful unconscious’. Not only do we have an unconscious, but it is also brimmed with meaning. Let me use an image to explain. You can look at an AURELIS session as the nurturing of seeds that are already present inside your unconscious soil. Without nurturing, the seeds wither. These seeds are deeply meaningful. AURELIS works at this level, fully respecting your meaningfulness, inviting you towards your personal goals. A lot of expertise goes into accomplishing this kindling of meaning in an efficient and ethical way.

The second step is related to mind-body unity.

The present age is peculiar in this respect. On the one hand, we still have a medical philosophy of mind-body division. This shows in many ways and unfortunately leads to an immense lot of human suffering. On the other hand, scientifically we know that mind and body are one. They appear to be separate because they are two ways of looking at the total person. AURELIS is developed to affect you as this total person.

These two steps come together.

At the deeper, unconscious and meaningful level, influences can best be understood from a psychological perspective as well as from a bodily perspective. Unconscious, meaningful patterns and physical patterns of neurons, synapses etc. coincide. Thus, in principle, your physical health can indeed be influenced through this – using AURELIS – in many positive ways.

With AURELIS you enter a medicine of peace.

You do not fight symptoms but take them as entry points, as doors towards your inner self. You invite your inner self to change in a way that makes the symptoms unnecessary, while you grow towards more the person who you are intended to become.

So you can expect an influence of AURELIS to be real and durable.

If you like guided meditation, here’s a free app for you.

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