Beginner’s Mind, Forever

July 22, 2018 Meditation No Comments

DISCLAIMER: read this only if you know what it says.

‘Beginner’s mind’ … Beginner in what?

I would say, without thinking: beginner in love. With a special clarification: there where love is new , where it – you might say if you know what I mean with this – is ‘romantic love’, being in love forever with everything, with everyone.

Beginner’s mind is falling in love always anew, always now. No past or future is standing between this love and now.

You just thought of tomorrow? Soon you think of yesterday? In between is ‘now’. Nothing is standing between now and now. Even time itself is not standing between now and now. Nothing is.

This is you. This is he. This is she.

No loneliness.

Eyes are dancing. Knowing better. Never. Time. Whispering. Rhythm. It’s always good.

No loneliness.

It “could have been so good”. Yet we will never see

each other again.

And I can hardly hide it. Warm and cold. No one is to blame.

Regret that is no regret.

Attachment that is no attachment.

Ignorance that is no ignorance.

No loneliness.

Beginner’s mind is forever in love with everything.

No security! No playing hide and seek!

No “look at me” and certainly no “look at what I’m doing”. Beginner’s mind is ‘merely-ego’-less. There is no I that is looking, or that sees others looking. There is only an I that is doing this… and at the same time also not.

No measuring, nor comparison.

Everything repeats itself, but there is no radical change of direction. How small the progress in this direction may be, if there is progress, you’ll never lose it.

And that’s a good thing.

Once a beginner’s mind, always a beginner’s mind.

Beyond ego.


Ego doesn’t understand it.

A soul that is being given, doesn’t lose itself.

A soul that is being taken, doesn’t lose itself.

No loneliness

not even at the end of time.

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