Use Empathy: Try to See the Situation from the Other Party’s Perspective

June 1, 2024 Mediation - Diplomacy No Comments

By using empathy in diplomatic interactions, diplomats and negotiators can create a more compassionate and effective dialogue.

Empathy is a powerful tool in diplomacy. By understanding the situation from the other party’s perspective, diplomats can reveal underlying concerns.


This is the seventh tip of the series.

Key Aspects

Active listening

  • Listen carefully to what the other party is saying without interrupting.
  • Pay attention to both verbal and non-verbal cues.

Put yourself in their shoes

  • Imagine how you would feel in the other party’s situation.
  • Example: “If I were facing these challenges, what would be my primary concerns?”

Acknowledge emotions

  • Recognize and validate the emotions of the other party.
  • Show understanding and respect for their feelings.

Ask open-ended questions

  • Encourage the other party to share more about their perspective.
  • Use questions like “Can you help me understand your position better?” or “What are your main concerns?”

Express understanding

  • Use phrases that show you understand the other party’s perspective.
  • Example: “I can see why this issue is so important to you. It affects many aspects of your community.”

Reflect and paraphrase

  • Reflect back what you have heard to show that you are listening and understanding.
  • Paraphrase their statements to confirm your understanding.

Share personal experiences

  • Share relevant experiences that show you can relate to their situation.
  • Example: “Our country faced a similar crisis a few years ago. We learned a lot from that experience and would like to share some of those insights with you.”

Avoid judgment

  • Approach the situation without judgment or preconceived notions.
  • Be open to seeing the issue from the other party’s viewpoint.

Show genuine concern

  • Demonstrate that you care about the other party’s well-being and interests.
  • Express empathy through your words and actions.

Follow up with actions

  • Demonstrate your empathy through concrete actions that address the other party’s concerns.
  • Example: “Based on your feedback, we will adjust our proposal to better meet your needs and concerns.”


Conflict resolution: In a conflict resolution scenario, showing empathy can help de-escalate tensions. For example

  • “I understand that this conflict has caused significant hardship for your people. We want to find a solution that addresses your concerns and brings relief to those affected.”

Trade negotiations: During trade negotiations, understanding the other party’s economic pressures can lead to more compassionate agreements. An empathetic response might be

  • “I see that you are facing economic challenges and job losses in certain sectors. Let’s work together to find a trade agreement that supports your economy while also benefiting ours.”

Humanitarian aid discussions: In discussions about humanitarian aid, empathy can drive more effective cooperation. For instance

  • “We understand that your country is dealing with a severe humanitarian crisis. We are committed to providing the necessary support to help your people recover and rebuild.”

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