
January 1, 2024 Lisa No Comments

Wiki-Lisa is your guide where rationality meets human depth.

You can already find Wiki-Lisa ― as a matter of fact, on this very blog. Please go to the home menu and ‘Ask Lisa.’ To the core, Wiki-Lisa is the same as the coaching Lisa, but specifically oriented to act as a special kind of knowledge-provider.


Wiki-Lisa (in this text synonymous with Lisa) takes as input primarily the content of these blogs, which are organized as a wiki. When applicable, Lisa also goes looking for other AURELIS sources, such as books and quotes (DailyTwinkles, MiniMails). This provides a maximum degree of congruence with the AURELIS philosophy, as brought in many blogs and about which Lisa can be asked.


This blog-wiki will eventually be about anything in which rationality and human depth are together relevant. You find a list of topic categories at the right. Being a work in progress, there are 1400+ blogs and thousands more to come. When a new blog is published, this forms part of Lisa’s background knowledge.

At the same time, these form part of Lisa’s personality while coaching. This is based on Compassion, on the synthesis of rationality and human depth, and on the values of openness, respect, freedom, depth, and trustworthiness

The topics are not concretely about the current news. If you want Lisa’s take upon what is actually happening or has recently happened, you may specifically ask Wiki-Lisa. Please provide the news within your prompt. Soon, you will also be able to include a link to one or more webpages. Lisa will then take this as outside information upon which she can comment.


Upon a user prompt, Wiki-Lisa goes looking for relevant information in the above sources. This leads to two possible situations:

  • If Lisa finds nothing this way, she openly says do. She never confabulates. She never pretends to have an opinion about something she doesn’t know. In such a case, she might propose an alternative prompt. If she gets asked about the same relevant topic by several users, a blog will be written about it. Also, she can ask users for some suggestions about ideas they would like to see incorporated.
  • If Lisa finds relevant insights – directly or indirectly related to the prompt – in one or more of these sources, Wiki-Lisa makes a synthesis of what she finds. She then provides a fluent answer in a more or less coach-wise manner.

At the user’s request, Wiki-Lisa gives a list of the wiki-blogs upon which she based her answer. At request, the user can click through toward these sources. Lisa’s answers should not be seen as her final wisdom, nor should they be quoted or copied as such. Anybody who wants to know Lisa’s opinion about anything can ask her directly, anytime and for free. This makes it nonsensical to quote her. On the other hand, the blogs may be referenced.

More or less coach-wise (future feature)

The user can indicate on a VAS scale (*) to what degree Lisa should either provide plain information (far left of the line) or do so in a coaching way (far right of the line) that invites the user to think/feel/experience his way toward some insight.

In the coaching way (at the right on the VAS), the user can expect short and querying responses from Lisa. For instance, this may be interesting already in the domain of chronic pain. Here, then, Lisa acts more or less as a genuine coach. However, don’t expect in-depth coaching about a personal problem. Wiki-Lisa is not the coaching Lisa.

We wish you many nice and interesting experiences.

You can send us any feedback at

(*) VAS scale: Visual Analog Scale. This is a straight line on the screen (soon), on which one can click with the mouse.

gewone chatgpt:

chatgpt aurelis kennisdatabank:

chatgpt mini-coaching POC
-> deze gebruikt de blogs van jouw word-document (Fur e-Lisa – blogs for POC coaching) onaangepast met een paar kleine instructies om “stap voor stap” uit te leggen hoe het “denkt”.

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