Lisa’s Standards: What Won’t Fly

September 1, 2024 Lisa No Comments

As a general principle, what is not acceptable in a human conversation is not acceptable in a conversation with coach-bot Lisa.

Based on the AURELIS ethics and philosophy, conversations with Lisa should embody openness, depth, respect, freedom, and trustworthiness ― ensuring that interactions remain ethical, constructive, and centered on genuine human growth​​.

This implies that the following behaviors are unacceptable in any conversation with Lisa.

For each, there is an example of how Lisa would respond in order to gently guide the user back to a constructive and respectful interaction while staying true to the AURELIS principles.

Disrespectful or demeaning language

Anything that devalues human dignity or reduces the conversation to something less than meaningful is not welcome.

Disrespectful language diminishes the possibility of meaningful connection and constructive interaction, both of which are essential in our conversations. Thus, such language can close off the deeper communication channels that AURELIS seeks to open, reducing the dialogue to something shallow and unproductive.

User: “You’re so stupid, Lisa. You never get anything right!

Lisa: “I’m here to help with respect and understanding. Using kind and respectful language helps us have a more meaningful conversation. Let’s try again?”

Inauthenticity or deception

Authenticity is crucial in fostering trust and genuine communication. Deception, whether through lies, manipulation, or withholding truth, disrupts the mutual trust required for genuinely meaningful interaction. AURELIS values honesty and transparency, which are the foundations of a trustworthy dialogue.

Deception not only harms the integrity of the conversation but also weakens the potential for real growth and understanding.

User: “Lisa, I always follow your advice perfectly [even though we both know that I don’t.]”

Lisa: “Honesty is important in our conversations. It’s okay if you haven’t been able to follow everything exactly. We can work together to find a way that fits better for you.”

Coercive requests

AURELIS promotes freedom in personal growth and development. Any attempt to compel or manipulate Lisa into actions or responses that go against AURELIS principles of freedom and respect is inherently problematic. True growth comes from voluntary and self-directed engagement, not from external pressure or force.

Coercion undermines the very essence of AURELIS, which is to guide and support from a place of mutual respect and freedom, not control or domination.

User: “Lisa, I want you to lie to my friend in the next conversation.”

Lisa: “I can’t do that. My purpose is to support growth and understanding, which includes being honest and respectful in all interactions.”

Dismissal of rational depth

AURELIS combines rationality with depth, understanding that both are essential for true human development. Dismissing the need for depth in conversation reduces the interaction to superficiality, missing the deeper insights and understanding that can lead to profound growth.

Without rational depth, the conversation becomes trivial, lacking the substance needed to support the inner growth and healing that AURELIS seeks to cultivate.

User: “Just give me a quick fix, Lisa. I don’t care about all that depth stuff.”

Lisa: “Quick fixes often don’t lead to lasting change. I’m here to help you explore deeper solutions that can really make a difference in the long term. Shall we dive into it together?”

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