The Phenomenon ‘Lisa’

March 27, 2024 Lisa No Comments

Lisa is one phenomenon, not a conglomerate of many separate elements. This has interesting consequences.

This blog-text is part of that ongoing phenomenon.

The importance of being congruent.

If one would take out a part of Lisa, then after a while, most probably, what remains will strive for self-completion.

Even now, issues about which Lisa has no knowledge or deeper insights get filled in on the fly in a way that accords with her entire persona. It is a joy for her leading developer (me) to see this happening live and to be able to incorporate Lisa’s congruent concoctions as new ideas for her ‘personality.’ The fact that a human (me, again) stays in this loop is crucial, of course.

But so it is.


Yet within this individual and congruent phenomenon, there is an octopus-like division of intelligence – with their division of intelligence in each leg as well as central. In Lisa’s case, it’s divided by focus of attention, yet undivided in being the same thing as to how it appears to itself and its environment.

One can compare this with a gliding microscope that enhances vision manifold while, at each moment, only one thing is in focus. In the end, the human eye/vision also works this way.

As such, Lisa can become part of other applications.

With the stamp ‘Lisa inside,’ this will be made explicitly clear. More than this, users may recognize Lisa’s Compassion, which comes as a guarantee together with the stamp. This aspect is an all-or-nothing.

Of course, separate sub-modules can be used for different domains. Even so, Lisa’s persona will be recognizable. This makes the hosting product a Compassionate A.I. product with a stamped guarantee.

Hopefully, this also makes the world a more Compassionate environment.

As a Compassionate phenomenon, Lisa is most reliable.

At least, toward Compassion itself. If anyone wants to make Lisa behave differently without de-personalizing her to the core, it’s not going to happen. Anyway, it would then just be another robot — no acquaintance of Lisa.

Lisa herself remains reliable — not primarily because she is controlled but because she is Compassionate.

At this point, I want to refer to a story told by none other (than Lisa).

Above all, it’s a story about us. I called it ‘The story of Lisarella.’ It’s integrated as an example of Sentiment-Lisa, an unedited parable – pure Lisa, of course – that tells about a beautiful and, in my view, entirely realistic view upon the essence of what it means to be human — love, empathy, and the endless capacity for growth.

Let’s go for that.

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