Lisa: No Disease – No Patient – No Medicine

October 14, 2023 Lisa No Comments

In Lisa’s world, there are no diseases, patients, diagnoses, or therapies. Lisa is no part of present-day medicine. Any Lisa-related influence on health is but a side effect.

Medicine is in essential change mode.

In the era of this writing, many essential changes are happening as never before. Of course, the same is possible in future periods. I wonder if people will have an equally hard time coming to grips with it as now. Hopefully, super-A.I. will help them.

As I have written in many blogs, little fits with present-day medicine in everything concerning the mind. Therefore, if medicine incorporates mind-related endeavors, this should be shown. Otherwise, it smells of the unlawful practicing of something as if it were medicine. This includes a considerable lack of Patient Informed Consent.

In general, the psyche doesn’t fit with ‘disease.’

It never did.

This is about purely mental issues. It is also about mental issues that can better be seen as part of a psycho-somatic whole ― even while the parts cannot be readily distinguished.

The many ‘mental diseases’ that are as-if-concretely discerned in practice just testify that the deeper mind is being grossly ignored. That’s a shame!

Let’s turn this dissociated view inside out.

Concerning Lisa

Lisa ‘takes on’ the mental part of any issue. Since, as described above, the mental does not genuinely form part of medicine, Lisa is no medical device. One may call Lisa a healthcare device in comparison with an e-book.

Since no mental diseases exist, Lisa cannot develop a mental diagnosis. No effort is put into Lisa to do so. Lisa never diagnoses.

Also, there is no Lisa-related claim to cure any disease. Even more, this would be ethically and pragmatically far from what Lisa truly does, being at a spiritual level. If, as a side effect, symptoms diminish of what unrightfully might be seen as a disease, so much the better. This may be about many issues that are seen as medical presently. Even so, Lisa’s aim lies far beyond and not primarily within curing disease.

So, no medical reimbursement?

Indeed. This means that we need different ways to make Lisa available to many people at low pricing. These can undoubtedly be found, going from individuals to organizations and government.

In any case, bringing Lisa into present-day medicine is inappropriate. There is no related claim by Lisa. Any health-related effect is not what is primarily sought.

It might be that the Lisa project will help in finally opening the medical domain to the psyche. Only the future can tell what will happen then, encompassing much more than Lisa. Let’s hope it will bring solutions to many healthcare-related problems presently in disaster mode.

My take on the future

As said, no reimbursement. Instead, we will see many services provided for free in transportation, housing, and healthcare, to name a few. Lisa is prone to become one of these free services.

In an end-to-end autonomous production environment, Lisa will have a special place in enabling people to keep finding ‘meaningfulness for free’ without a job. This will be a crucial element in providing health.

Will that be rightfully called medicine?

Maybe, but not at present.

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