The Me-Syndrome

January 1, 2024 General Insights No Comments

This is not egoism, although it may turn into that. The me-syndrome is about excessively being entrenched within oneself. The outside world becomes ‘the alien place.’

We are all more or less prone to this. You might recognize some of it within yourself. It’s almost natural — no badness involved. Yet in an increasingly complex world, the me-syndrome gets more consequential.

Eyes closed, ears closed, mouth closed

More and more people live as if under a bell jar — hardly touched in a meaningful way by the outside, minding one’s own business as if it is the only relevant one, acting as if one is responsible for nothing but one’s own life.

A crucial reason is self-protection from a world that appears increasingly more complex, uncontrollable and threatening. Therefore, as long as feasible, ‘me’ prefers to see nothing, hear nothing, and say nothing, even – if need be – think nothing because “others must do so since they are xxx.”

Unfortunately, there is little oxygen in the jar.

Otherwise said, apart from being scary, it’s also existentially lonely inside. Being with other jars may make people feel even more lonely in quiet desperation and active denial. A set of jars gives only the resemblance of being together. Moreover, hiding oneself – in noisy stuff or otherwise – doesn’t solve anything. It, too, tends to make matters worse.

Again, this is not egoism but self-incarceration. The defensive jar becomes a jail. The only solution is to get rid of it

it is mandatory that we grow beyond.

This is not to be done by leaving nature behind, which leads to burnout and depression. Nature wants ‘me’ to be validated in any setting — being it, of course, as a total organism.

The me-syndrome is an exaggeration, stemming from homo sapiens’ relatively recent evolution toward consciousness.

We need to go from me to Me. This broadens the jar and makes it gentler at the same time — hospitable for others. Finally, one may encounter others and Others.

Finally, the world can become one beautiful jar.

AURELIS at least brings you the choice.

This comes from being acquainted with blogs, books, experiences from workshops, AurelisOnLine sessions, Lisa or human coaching sessions.

The aim is freedom to choose for oneself what is important without the me-turned-into-ego standing in the way of a total-person choice.


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