Being of Value

July 1, 2018 General Insights, Mental Growth No Comments

That’s what we all are: beings of value. Even of immense value. We should dare to acknowledge that and act accordingly.

I know it’s not always easy to acknowledge one’s value.

I’ve had my ups and downs in life myself. I’ve also seen people in diverse situations, including in most dire ones where even the difference between being and not-being is no matter of fact: not in choices nor in consequences nor in how things ‘just are’.

I know the easy life and I know the hard life.

So, where’s the value?

You’ve got your value for free already.

However, valuing your value is hard work.

Value lies in daring to be sensitive, to be open and to be free.

Value lies in not shunning the deeper layers of anything, even when it diminishes comfort, even when it brings you to questioning yourself in everything you… value.

Value lies in respecting yourself, always.

Value is the sentiment of the phenix who doesn’t yet know he will eventually arise from the fire… and then he does.

Value lies in acknowledging mortality and still valuing life as immensely beautiful.

Where you put your effort into

It’s daring to be and to do what needs to be done in order to be who you are.

It’s daring to grow and to become even more who you are, like a small tree growing into a big tree.

Putting effort is also giving time. It’s also valuing the giving of your time, in full choice, not mindlessly.

It’s daring to be alive and to feel alive, in the big things and in the little things.

An ‘ego’ cannot do this on its own.

It can take part in the value-having and value-giving through being part of a total person.

From immense to infinite

‘Infinite’ means that it’s not something that can be measured in money. Valuing yourself is an ‘end value’.

Someone can talk ‘money’ but he doesn’t know what he’s talking about.

‘Infinite value’ also means that we are all equal in this. No matter how the appearances, one infinite value is worth just as much as another.


of course we are with 7 billion on this planet.

Still the world needs your valuing your value, your inner strength

in order to be saved.

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