The Why of Corporate Compassion

Corporate Compassion is not about pity, nor softness. Its effects are as rock-solid as a corporate building if you know how to bring it about.
[see: “Compassion, basically“]
Empathy in the line of Compassion
Basically, Compassion goes deeper, taking into account the importance of mental-neuronal processing in any human endeavor.
Thus, it is also broader, more sustainable [see: “How to Keep the Empathy“], and spontaneously leading to action. [see: “Compassion = Empathy-Beyond“]
Compassion is, to a huge degree, what makes people healthy, motivated, and strong.
In other words, it’s what every business owner wants his employees to be. Interestingly, it’s also what every employee wants to be if he is in the slightest bit motivated to start with.
In this win-win situation, Compassion is not the easiest choice. But then again, the corporate world is not necessarily made to be easy but competitive.
Being competitive and Compassionate
With the proper insight, there is no contradiction in this.
On the contrary, it is plainly logical. Compassion – in its true sense – has a profound influence upon people. They are brought into more congruence with themselves and their deep motivations. Motivation, as we all know, is of prime importance for anything work-related. It is the ‘human energy’ that makes the workplace tick in the first place.
Straightforward? Yes, but there’s a hurdle.
Compassion is an art that cannot be caught in merely conceptual techniques.
This does not make it less important, only more difficult.
In my experience, many HR professionals do not get the complexity. Thus, we see the same phenomenon as in psychotherapy, in which the ‘techniques’ are given prime attention while they scientifically – the hard way – are proven not to work. [see: “Psychotherapy vs. Psychotherapies“]
Meanwhile, the techniques are frequently put under the umbrella of Compassion.
Opening the umbrella
Since what is regularly used does not work, the umbrella gets a bad reputation ― unfortunately, and unnecessarily.
Of course, to make it work, you need to open it. Since this is about Compassion, opening it is also opening yourself. This is no minor deal. It’s where many things get stuck.
This is where AURELIS comes into play.
AURELIS coaching is relevant to health-related issues. It is equally relevant to coaching within companies according to the two aims of Compassion: relief of suffering (for instance, burnout) and fostering of human growth. [see: “Two-Sided Compassion“]
Human growth in proper support leads to self-Compassion and eventually to Compassion towards others, including co-workers and customers. The energy may flow broadly.
AURELIS has been developed to give lots of support.
That makes becoming an AURELIS coach no simple endeavor. It’s a matter of deeply supported insight and growth as a whole person. [see: “Growing towards AURELIS Coach“]
It’s also a matter of an unwavering choice for rationality and depth. [see: “AURELIS USP: ‘100% Rationality, 100% Depth’“]
This may seem daunting.
It is, but who takes the challenge may find himself working for better goals in a better company and, eventually, a more humane and durable world.
The choice is yours.