Compassion Makes You Strong

October 21, 2023 Empathy - Compassion No Comments

This is, strong enough to enable you to care for little things and find in them a universal strength ― strong enough to tackle the world if need be.

Strength of empathy

As depicted in the landscape of empathy, this entails not being washed away by the emotional stream of the empathized one. Sitting in a boat on that stream, one can control where to go to.

Sympathy and emotional contagion are depicted in that landscape as stages toward less control. On the other hand, detached concern is one of more control but from a distance. In this sense, empathy strikes a balance ― just that. In that balance, a strength can be found to do good.

In Compassion, this goes further in depth.

Strength of Compassion

One doesn’t help another person by being weak.

On the other hand, Compassion is about understanding the other from the inside out by overlapping ― including in weakness. One cannot truly understand if one doesn’t feel the weakness from inside.

Therefore, Compassion is a combination of this understanding and of Inner Strength. In writing, this seems simple. In reality, the happening is transcendent ― each time again. One gets transformed through realizing it.

Don’t get me wrong.

This transformation is like a spiritual act.

That is also where the strength of Compassion originates. Now, one can go from here into religious exaltation or just into being present as a simple human being.

Or both simultaneously, which is really interesting, but let’s take the more conceptual route from here on.

Strength of deep overlap

In overlapping mental-neuronal patterns, there is recognition without similitude. In striking a balance (remember) in-depth, the Compassionate one may learn a lot about the other and himself. He may find alternative ways of looking at the same thing ― while clarifying what is meant, one way or another.

In such overlap lies strength because it lets one experience from within different ways to tackle any hurdle, any challenge. It’s like a training of the mind that – like training the body – leads to increasing fitness, flexibility, and strength that can be used in many ways and circumstances.

One become Compassionately strong.

Indifference doesn’t lead to this. It may make one untouchable on the outside, but it doesn’t lead to Inner Strength. When the shell gets broken, the indifferent (seemingly ‘hard’) one may show profound weakness.

Compassion gives the strength of being alive.

This is the strength of living nature, of growth. It is the strength of a living being. Even more, it can be the strength of nature itself since Compassion has the possibility of boundless growth.

This way, Compassion is stronger than death.

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