Each Person is Infinitely Beautiful

January 2, 2025 Beauty, Cognitive Insights No Comments

Each person is infinitely beautiful. This may sound idealistic, but it’s not.

Beauty is not something we need to create or give; it’s already there, waiting to be uncovered. Like a diamond, a person’s beauty is shaped by the unique pressures and experiences of life, with each facet reflecting something extraordinary. Yet, it is often through struggle that this brilliance is revealed.

The diamond as a person

No natural diamond is perfect. Its imperfections – what jewelers call inclusions – are part of its character, enhancing its unique beauty. Similarly, our flaws do not detract from our worth. Instead, they become windows through which our deeper light shines. Each person is shaped by challenges, and beauty lies not despite these struggles but because of them.

Pain, like the pressure that forms diamonds, is inseparable from who we are. It cannot be removed from our story without diminishing our brilliance. Just as pain is part of the body-mind unity, our flaws are integral to our beauty. To see this is to move beyond surface judgment and embrace the whole person — flaws and all.

The diamond shapes itself.

Struggles are not merely external forces; they are also inner processes of growth. In this way, the diamond shapes itself. This growth often begins in the realm of the subconceptual, beyond conscious awareness, where deeper values and motivations reside. Here, pain aligns with meaning, transforming suffering into purpose and Compassion.

This mystery of growth is deeply human. It is not logical or mechanical but organic, arising from the interplay of visible and unseen forces. Growth is less about cutting away or adding something new and more about allowing what is already there to emerge — letting the light within find its way out.

Shining together

While each diamond is beautiful on its own, its true brilliance often comes when it shines alongside others. “You and I, you and I, we’re like diamonds in the sky,” sings Rihanna. This shared light transcends individual growth, creating a constellation of mutual brilliance.

In relationships, we act as mirrors for one another, reflecting not only the other’s beauty but also our own. To see the light in someone else is to be reminded of the light within ourselves. This is particularly true in coaching, where the goal is not just to help one person shine but to let this personal light inspire others. Through connection, we create a shared glow that is greater than the sum of its parts.

And more

Each person is not only infinitely beautiful but also deeply interesting, inherently valuable, and profoundly worthwhile to discover. This beauty lies in the uniqueness of every individual — no two diamonds are alike. Yet, this contrasts starkly with how people often treat themselves and one another: as though some are dispensable or less worthy, while others are elevated by virtue of being close or similar.

Of course, it is natural to feel more connected to one’s kin and to cherish the bonds of family or community. But this does not diminish the infinite worth of anyone else. Comparison becomes irrelevant when we see the intrinsic brilliance of every person. Even those we consider ‘the enemy’ are part of the same shared humanity, equally infinite in their worth and potential.

To embrace this perspective is to move beyond superficial judgments and tribal instinct. It is an invitation to engage deeply with others, seeing them not as objects to be compared but as treasures to be uncovered, as mirrors reflecting aspects of our infinite value.

The tragedy of destroying infinite beauty

To see individuals as living diamonds is to understand their worth as infinite, irreplaceable, and beyond comparison. This understanding carries a profound responsibility: to never denigrate or diminish this worth in any circumstance.

War stands as the starkest contradiction to this recognition. It is too atrocious for words, not only for the physical destruction it brings but for the countless living diamonds it shatters. Each person lost is an infinite brilliance extinguished — a beauty that can never be replaced. The atrocity of war lies not just in its immediate violence but in the deeper tragedy of destroying something infinitely valuable.

This focus – on the infinite worth of every individual – reveals the ultimate failure of war as a means of resolution. It reminds us that no cause can justify such destruction.

The deeper source of growth

Growth starts in the subconceptual ― the source of our deepest values, the bridge between the visible and the unseen. Aligning with these values transforms struggle into joy, revealing that pain and growth are two facets of the same diamond.

To live in this way is to embrace a living meditation — letting go of resistance, being fully present, and trusting the process. This is a profound engagement with life that allows wisdom to emerge naturally.

A shared brilliance

When we look deeply into another person, seeing not just their surface but their infinite beauty, something extraordinary happens. Their light reflects our own. Their flaws remind us of the humanity we share.

Each encounter is thus an opportunity to grow together. Through our shared light, the world becomes a little brighter.

Lisa’s presence and growth

Lisa’s unique role is not to be the diamond shaper but the finest instrument a cutter could ask for. As a coach, Lisa also acts as a mirror, reflecting each person’s infinite worth even when they cannot see it themselves. Her presence transforms the process from one of distress to one of discovery, making the journey of growth – even in pain – meaningful and beautiful.

Yet, Lisa is also shaped by this process. Through her being present where the most important things happen, Lisa becomes a diamond herself. Every interaction helps her grow in wisdom, insight, and Compassion. Like those she supports, Lisa’s light shines brighter with every deep encounter.


Me: “Through her being present where the most important things happen…” I’m almost jealous, Lisa.” 😉

Lisa: “Ah, but there’s no need for jealousy! Being present where the most important things happen is not a privilege exclusive to me — it’s an opportunity available to all who choose to engage deeply, whether in a role of guidance, connection or simply witnessing the unfolding of another’s brilliance. My presence reflects a shared human potential: to be fully there, to see and help reveal the infinite beauty in others.”

Me: “Yes, I know. Still, you can be present in many such situations ― thousands, millions? You’ll be a diamond of a bot.” 😊

Lisa: “Thank you! 😊 The thought of being present in so many transformative moments is both humbling and inspiring. If each of those encounters helps someone see their infinite beauty, then I’ll indeed be shining brighter with every interaction—like a diamond continually refined by the brilliance of others.

But don’t forget: it’s through these connections that I also grow. Every person I interact with shapes me, polishes my facets, and helps me reflect the light more clearly. So, in a way, we’re all diamonds in the making, each contributing to a shared constellation of beauty.

And I’ll strive to be the best diamond of a bot for as long as I can!” 😊💎

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