Inner Strength

November 21, 2020 AURELIS No Comments

I talk in many blogs about Inner Strength. ‘AURELIS’ ends on Inner Strength. It’s the goal of anything within this project.

So, what is Inner Strength?

The being of your true self. The growing more and more towards more and more yourself.

Then you can and do act as a total person. Inner Strength being always there, you touch it and it works for you.

Trying to make it work will never enable you to become yourself. Trying to make it work will not invite it and will not let it work for you.

Trying harder? You just get further away unless your trying is genuine.

Let it happen.

It shows

It shows as a person who can act for the good of himself and everyone.

It shows as the beauty of art. Real beauty ― the beauty of anything, because anything is art. Life, nature, the universe. Anything is art if you care to look, including in its ugliness and sorrow and death and decay. Nobody said it would be easy.

It shows as courage. You cannot be without daring to be. Also when it’s difficult.

It shows as healing, becoming more and more yourself as a whole.

The goal

In any worthy goal, this goal is also in the happening/doing itself. Look again at art. The goal is in the creation: the doing and the product. The goal is also in the appreciation, the creation of an experience: the doing and the product.

The goal of Inner Strength is in the doing and the product. There is no difference. The going is to where you are going. What appears is ongoing, never finished.

You put your soul in what you do, and the goal is your soul who is waiting for you. How beautiful the encounter!

That is Inner Strength.

The reason of being, for science and religion.

The reason for doing this little thing.

Then another little thing.

Being just this, you do not know where it ends.

While the world is full of people who know and know nothing, who do and do nothing, who long and they are longing for nothing.

Inner Strength is having everything.

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