What AURELIS is About

May 30, 2021 AURELIS No Comments

This text is no special revelation. You find openness in all blogs. In this one, I just put elements together.

See also: [see: “Introducing AURELIS (Animated Video)”]


AURELIS is about the total-person, being fundamentally different from mere-ego. [see: “AURELIS Philosophy in a Nutshell (Animated Video)”]

The total-person is one whole in body/mind, as well as in conceptual/subconceptual mental processing. At least, the AURELIS striving goes towards little dissociation. [see: “Inner Dissociation is NEVER OK”]

Scientifically, top-down

Tons of neurocognitive science show the brain to be a multi-level pattern recognizer. [see: “Your Mind-Brain, a Giant Pattern Recognizer”] This has been undeniably the case already for decades. For several years, it has also become literally visible in research. [see: “From Neurons to Neuronal Networks”] This should have a tremendous impact. Until now, we see little of it.

AURELIS takes this science to the full consequence. [see: ‘AURELIS USP: ‘100% Rationality, 100% Depth’]

Psycho-somatics and more

Many consequences lie in the field of psycho-somatics. [see cat.: “Your Mind as Cure”] These have ignominious results: immense preventable suffering + financial cost. [see: “Saving € 1 trillion in healthcare”]

More lie in other domains: educational, juridical, spiritual, etc. [see: “The Responsibility of Mind-Science”] AURELIS can provide theoretical and pragmatic support in these as well, leading to a vast social impact. [see: “AURELIS Social Impact”]

Scientifically, bottom-up

In medical and psychological science, the concept of placebo plays a crucial role. Subconceptual mental processing is the core of understanding placebo. [see RG: “The Placebo Effect: How the Subconscious Fits in”]

Thus, AURELIS can also play a central role in scientific progress in both these fields.

This is especially the case with Lisa. [see: “Lisa”] This can lead to straight-on real-world evidence, so much needed in anything mind-related. [see: “Are RCTs valid in Psychotherapy?”]

Globally, long-lasting

Since the groundwork is the human being, problems and solutions have global relevance.

Since they haven’t been seriously managed for a very long time – while they could have been, for centuries – one can count on them lasting for still a very long time if not resolved through subconceptual insight.

The source of suffering lies deep in the human being. [see: “Cause of All Suffering: Dissociation”]


The final aim of AURELIS is a more Compassionate world. [see: “Essence of Compassion”]

This is crucial for the present-day human universe. [see: “Only Compassion Works”]

It is arguably even more critical for the upcoming A.I. universe. [see: “The Journey Towards Compassionate A.I.”]

Many people are needed for this. If you want to cooperate, please contact us.

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