AURELIS = YOU as a Total Person

Suppose someone comes to you, and it turns out that he has not heard or thought much about the ‘non-conscious’. Then it is important to outline this as part of the ‘environment within which AURELIS works.’
The following is an example of a text as understandable as possible, just straightforward, that could be used in this vein. There is nothing new in this for an AURELIS coach. Perhaps you can also use it to explain something about the AURELIS philosophy to people in your immediate environment.
First of all, what is a ‘total person’?
A person is a body and mind, of course.
From a scientific point of view, we are getting to know the body better and better, and the more we go into it, the more complex it turns out to be. The mind, however, is (even) much more complex than is usually thought.
By ‘total person,’ we mainly mean the total mind with its conscious and non-conscious aspects. Many people think that the non-conscious is just incidental, but in reality, it has a significant impact on the way you feel, on your body, your motivation, your well-being, and your health, the unconscious day and night, all the time.
Perhaps you recently found yourself in a dangerous traffic situation?
Your blood pressure spiked. Your pulse rose. Maybe you started to perspire a little, or your face turned pale. These are all things that you cannot consciously control. Purely consciously, you have no causal influence on it.
Also, there was no causal influence from a purely physical point of view; you were not touched by anything. From a material point of view, you were just sitting in your car, before, during, and just as well after the incident.
The only thing that made your body react that way was the meaning. ‘Meaning’: a mental event… Something mental made your blood vessels contract, and yet you cannot make such a thing happen from your consciousness.
All that remains is the non-conscious.
Actually, the non-conscious is always present, influencing your body.
Even when sitting still, you are constantly moving your body, for example, if the pressure in a specific place becomes a bit great. You are aware of this pressure all the time, just not on a conscious level unless you specifically focus on it.
Your non-conscious, on the other hand, is aware of this pressure and 1001 other feelings in your body all the time. Your non-conscious also provides a continuous additional regulation of your heart rhythm (as we just saw), your breathing, and so on.
This doesn’t stop overnight.
In addition to dreaming, much processing is going on in the brain, but not on a conscious level, of course. We know that the brain is even more active during sleep than during the day. Apparently, the non-conscious has a lot of work to do, possibly to clean up what we are consciously scheming during the day?
You may be familiar with the ‘placebo effect.’
That is the effect of medication, not because of the material product in it, but because of the meaning of taking it. When you take a painkiller, you expect it to do its job. Here, too, the non-conscious is present. If you deeply believe in the effect of the painkiller, then that faith has a powerful effect. If you know that you are taking a pill that has nothing in it, then of course, there is no ‘deep faith’… and then there is also no placebo effect.
With faith: a placebo effect.
And not just a little bit. It has been scientifically proven that the placebo effect attains more than half of the total painkilling effect you experience with painkillers. In other words: when taking a painkiller, your subconscious is responsible for more than half of the total effect.
A similar effect can also be found with other medicines, sometimes less, sometimes more.
So the non-conscious is not only constantly present. It’s also powerful.
Its power has been more than conclusively proven when comparing drugs with mere fake pills (pure placebos).
It has also been scientifically proven that a purely conscious motivation invariably loses against deeper (non-conscious) motivation. This is:
If you consciously want A, but unconsciously want B, then… B.
You can see this clearly in all kinds of addictions. You don’t want to overeat, and yet you just did it again. You fight with willpower against a smoking addiction (clearly > 90% psychologically), yet you just fail.
You don’t want to be fooled by all kinds of advertising, and yet the advertising budgets are sky-high (why?).
The non-conscious wants to come out.
It wants to ‘realize’ itself.
If it can’t do so in a good way, it will rather realize itself in a less good way than not at all. If there is no other option, the non-conscious will choose depression, an addiction, a psychosomatic disorder, or whatever.
That’s why it’s essential to take it into account,
to ‘listen’ to the non-conscious in the best possible way.
By the way: Your non-conscious, that’s YOU. It makes up the bulk of what is going on inside you psychologically. This is not to say that consciousness is unimportant, but it is only part of who you are.
Good communication (reconnecting, ‘listening’) with the rest of yourself is essential.
Depression, psychosomatics, and placebo are also communication, but they are present only for lack of better.
Good communication is entirely open and free.
It shows the utmost respect (from you, for you!) and depth without deceiving yourself (placebo), without fighting yourself, or without being intolerant unless against intolerance itself.
AURELIS has been fully developed to make this communication possible.
You learn to respect yourself as a TOTAL PERSON.
This is important because otherwise, your non-conscious will show (realize) itself again in lesser ways. It is also important because it is about you. It’s about your depth, about your inspiration. It’s also important because from here you establish what the world looks like, in your immediate environment and, together with many others, in the broadest sense of the word.
This is the world of you, your children, and your grandchildren.
The ‘working’ of AURELIS arises from your non-conscious.
This can be very powerful for you in many ways.
It presupposes two important things: a certain discipline in applying AURELIS and a basis of respect for who you are. Your non-conscious is by definition not conscious and does not have to be so ― and can not even become so.
The effect of good communication with the non-conscious, however, all the more.
Let a flower bud become open, and a beautiful flower will emerge.
Keep the flower bud closed, and it will come under tension (depression, psychosomatic pressure, addiction). Eventually, it withers without realizing itself as a flower.
AURELIS’ raison d’être is to help you obtain more and more a choice between the two.