Aurelis App - 'acute stress'

Free app (English and Dutch)

Install the free app directly on your android smartphone through this link, or click on the image:

Click on image to download the app.

For this, you may need to temporarily 'allow installations of apps from unknown sources'.

You also find the app as the 'Aurelis app' in the app stores (Android & Apple).


Intro video

You find an intro video of the app here.

If no sound comes through, then (open download) this.


How it works

It doesn’t. At least not in the way of some medication. You can see it as a key to the door that leads to your Inner Strength. This is very natural: nature within you.

In many situations, including COVID, this may diminish the negative strength of the whirlpool in which one can get caught. This may be enough to either not get caught in it, or heighten the chance to get out of it with less damage. Theoretically, it may be life-saving. For more information, see the blogs on this website or the books by Dr. Mommaerts, including 'Minding Corona.' You find a 2-page pdf about the COVID-whirlpool here.

As yet, no scientific research has been performed on the basis of the app.

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