Aurelian Spontaneity Might Make ‘Anything’ Seem THE Solution

April 26, 2018 AURELIS No Comments

‘Anything’ can of course be something valuable, or contain something valuable. That is not what this is about. It is however about: always keeping your eyes open. ALSO and even PARTICULARLY if it would be easier to close them.

Does occur:

Someone uses AURELIS, which supports him or her from within.

In the meantime that someone is also doing something else (no matter what).

That someone changes.

That someone feels this change as a change that is caused by that other ‘anything’ he or she was doing.


If someone is being helped in a deep way, then that is OKAY. However, there is still something of a less good situation in the foregoing. Because of this our someone may actually get the feeling of being helped by the ‘anything’. And this knowledge might further block him/her. This way the ‘anything’ is wrongly given an important place in the thinking, feeling, life of this someone and may also be passed on to others.

Not that only AURELIS necessarily has to be portrayed in a positive light, but ‘anything’ is, however, what it is: ‘anything’. And that’s not really OKAY, because in this way AURELIS would help to glorify ‘anything’ as SUCH. Even the greatest possible nonsense. And you and I and I and you know that there is already enough nonsense in the world. AURELIS must not be the strengthening factor in this direction..

How to prevent this?

The solution is not to be found in the ‘feeling that it works’. It is, after all, just the ‘spontaneity’ that provokes that someone doesn’t feel it, at least right away and it is certainly not easy to feel it clearly. This definitely implies the importance of always aiming for some rational placement of AURELIS. Such as: a clarification regarding the difference between cause (usually the deeper) and occasion (usually the more superficial). Or a clarification about ‘it works’: what, towards what end, how?

Or: “Why do you think, dear someone, that this ‘anything’ affects you right now”

and not all the previous times? And: do you feel you could feel something else, namely ‘no matter what’, as THAT what is happening, while that what is really happening, takes place at a deeper layer of yourself? Don’t you think it is sad to ignore this deeper layer just because of this?”


If you do not appreciate this deeper layer NOW, the problems will come back after all,

whether or not with the same clothes on. So you will fully benefit from being more forward-looking. And also: If there would be progress, that is because of the people who look and keep looking and also keep a critical eye, in everyone’s interest, including theirs.

‘Spontaneity’ is not easy.

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