The Basic Denial

May 1, 2021 Cognitive Insights, Sociocultural Issues No Comments

Not seeing though an obvious illusion is one thing. Not wanting to see despite immense mayhem for countless people is different.

Basic cognitive illusion

This is: not consciously reckoning with non-conscious, subconceptual mental-neuronal processing. [see: “The Basic Cognitive Illusion”] This illusion is debunked by a lot of scientific data. For instance, [see: “The Post-Postmodernist Brain”]

Thus, not seeing through this is scientifically comparable to being a flat-earther ― denying that the earth is rather round than flat. I acknowledge: the illusion is sticky. Sitting in a room, the room is flat. Driving through a street, the street is basically flat. Still, a flat earth is an illusion.

A flat human being is equally an illusion. We are conceptually graspable only within this ego-illusion. Subconceptual mental processing is undeniably real and ubiquitous. [see: “About ‘Subconceptual’”] This changes almost everything about our conception of the human being and how to practically manage things.


COVID has taught me that, more than simply an illusion, there is a widespread active denial of the illusion by those who should know about the subconceptual influence of the mind on COVID. This could relieve much human suffering and economic hardship. [see: “Mind the Denial”]

I contacted medical colleagues in many ways. In my view, there is a huge responsibility resting on their shoulders. It’s plain. It’s clear. It’s here.

I contacted philosophers. Hmm.

Many consequences

COVID is just an example. This active denial has a tremendous amount of consequences in healthcare. For instance, [see: “Stress Kills”], [see: “Subconceptual Processing in Health and Healing”]. In short, immense suffering, huge cost.

There are even more dire consequences outside of healthcare. This is the cost of being dissociated from one’s core being. [see: “Inner Dissociation is NEVER OK!”]

The basic denial

Denial is an action, not a simple happening.

Many intelligent people – the elite? – are in active denial. Partly knowing, having a hunch, they turn the other way. To me, a true intellectual elite is one who dares. [see: “The Intellectual Elite – Leaving Nobody Behind”]

There’s a lot of being afraid of others, much anxiety towards oneself, much addiction to superficiality, many negative reasons and excuses. Meanwhile, there is little daring ― regretfully.


This is empathy with much mental overlap, making “what is good for you is good for me,” taking into account subconceptual mental processing. [see: “Essence of Compassion”]

I see this as the only way to overcome the denial and inner dissociation. [see: “Compassion: Relief of Dissociation”] In-depth, both are the same.

Compassion is the result of mental growth. [see cat.: “Personal growth”] This should also be the main aim of coaching/psychotherapy. [see: “What is Success in Therapy?”]

In this sense, eventually, it may also be the only way therapy really works. [see: “Only Compassion Works”]

I acknowledge, there is no Compassion without daring. [see: “Daring to Be Vulnerable”]

The world needs Compassion.

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