Pied Pipers of Hamelin

August 3, 2018 General Insights No Comments

There are already more than enough pied pipers of Hamelin.


One metric ton of so called ‘depth’

is easier to fathom than an ounce of real stuff

whatever that may be.

You don’t have to look like a spirit of the forest to bring depth.

There is no harm in it, but it really is not necessary.

Your words do not have to sound like those of a spirit of the forest.

There is no harm in it, but it really is not necessary.

But: look at a real spirit of the forest.

Do you see the trees?

Can you hear the streamlet where he says goodbye to the day, every evening?

Can you feel the black night between the trees

in which the void comes to visit him with so many pieces of wisdom?

Can you hear the moss that tells him

how gentle this world really is?

A spirit of the forest doesn’t shout to the moon to show how the moon shouts back.

He shouts when no one sees it, not even he himself

and the moon whispers back in the rustling of leaves.

A spirit of the forest spreads himself

to protect all that lives in the forest

against so-called ‘depth’.

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