58. Has anything meaning but meaning itself?

January 27, 2018 Cognitive Insights, Sticky Thoughts No Comments

People are in search of ‘meaning’. It’s an age-old story. Males use to be more in search of the ‘meaning of life’. Females use to be more in search of the ‘meaning of living’. The latter being: the meaningfulness of everyday circumstances.


Is one more real than the other?



No, because actually nothing ‘has meaning’ in itself. Meaning is always ‘in relation to’. Something has ‘meaning to me’ – or to you –  or to all humans – or to everything even. But never without a ‘to’. It just doesn’t exist. Think about it for a few minutes.

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  1. Meaning is not an attribute that is naturally attached to anything. Meaning doesn’t exist without meaning-giving device. This is: you. So for instance in search of the meaning of life -I’m male-, one will never find it outside oneself. One may of course ‘find’ it in some purpose, some ism, schism or phantism, but what is actually found will always be the projection of oneself, or better said, one’s deeper self.


There’s nothing wrong with this.


This search for meaning, and its finding in anything outside oneself, is not a bad thing. If not for anything else, it gives energy, lots of energy: motivation to live, to create, to be inspired, to love even. Without ‘meaning’, there is no contact with the soul. There is only darkness, meaninglessness, feeling of guilt. There is no sense of future. There is depression.


Even so, it’s not the end. Because of one simple truth: it’s not the truth. This is among other things probably the reason why ‘geniuses’ in most cases lead tragic lives. They see through it, but through it they see its blackness. There IS no meaning outside itself!


This is a blackness that no-one can live with.


So if your intention is to become a genius, you’d better not stop there. You could easily end up in psychiatry, getting and even pleading for ‘medication’ that closes the doors to blackness and at the same time to anything else. Not so good.


Yet the truth that is truly true, is at the same time so simple. Turn around. Look inside. Search meaning where it really exists: in the center of you. THEN go further, pass the center, go back outside and let the light of true meaning shine wherever you choose.


  1. I said it was simple. I was kidding a bit.


You might need some help with this. In this world, this culture, this conglomeration of paradigms, finding that kind of help is not easy. Fact is that an enormous current of thinking is going in the opposite direction as the one where you could even imagine a very real help in this. But please don’t despair. You’re in a room with a very big balloon All the air is inside the balloon. There is no air left for you. You’re suffocating. At the same time, all you need to get to the air is a needle.


It’s extremely difficult and extremely easy at the same time.

Listening to some stories with your heart might already heal you.


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