28. Do miracle cures happen?

January 18, 2018 Open Religion, Sticky Thoughts No Comments

What is certain to me, is that miracle cures do not happen in a mechanical way. You cannot simply ‘ask’ something from ‘Above’ and expect to receive it.


Something very special is needed. You have to transcend mechanical thinking. This can only be done by transcending your conscious thinking, since this is trapped as a matter of speaking in concepts and relations between concepts. This is: mechanical thinking.


If ‘God comes into your life’ and brings healing to you, it will not be like something that you can plan beforehand. You will have no conscious control. So it may come in whatever way, at any time of the day, at any possible place, or over the course of time, even without you noticing that something is happening until you look behind and see.


Do miracle cures happen? Not if you expect them.


Again: do miracle cures happen? Yes.


They happen all the time. If you look really close at any cure, any cure at all, you can see that it’s a ‘miracle cure’. God is always there, always present. We can help ourselves in going to a certain direction, putting things right as well as we can, performing medicine. However, the actual ‘getting better’ itself is never done from outside. It is always done from within.


This is also what is meant with ‘Doctor curat, natura sanat’. The physician cures, nature heals.


Miracles are among us, all the time. Therefore if you look for them ‘beyond the normal’, you will have a hard time, since you are looking past them to start with. That is what most inquisitive people do. That’s why they never see any miracle.


It’s a fact that about 5% of the cancer cases heal even without any medical intervention. You can say that these people have just been lucky. I say they have been Lucky (though ‘Lucky’ is not immediately the name I would give to Him).


If ‘God comes into your life’, it will never be the way you expect it, or even can expect it. You can however bring yourself closer to Him, by making a very respectful communication with your ‘deeper self’, your subconscious. This is the direction of your ‘soul’, if you prefer.


You will never find the source of a miracle cure in your ‘ego’. Happily, you will find it anywhere else.


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