Toward One Religion

Behind any religion lies the one. How could it be otherwise? Eventually, there is only room for one. And it is Open.
See: What is Open Religion?
Behind any religion
Religious people of any creed or denomination may feel this. Generally, it is seen as a ‘mystical’ feeling ― transcending somehow what is felt by apparently non-mystics.
But it’s a feeling that any individual can have without leaving the familiar religion behind. On the contrary, getting deeper into the familiar may Open the door toward what lies behind that door.
This description is a perennial philosophy ― before, after, and beyond any concrete interpretation.
‘Open’ also means no projection of anything or anyone into its reality.
No thing is sacred by itself. Every thing is sacred because of the sacredness beyond. In other words, sacredness cannot be projected. No symbol contains the symbolized on the ‘normal’ side of the door.
Meanwhile, the door is Open and waiting for you. Of course, if you stick to the door, you cannot go through the opening. You’re just swaying a bit, feeling the presence of the beyond but never able to reach it.
What a pity ― especially if it gets mingled with abuse.
You have to let go (of yourself) to find peace (in yourself).
Then you can find out that this peace (in yourself) is the profoundly being (yourself) on the other side ― no more strife or diversity in religiosity.
Just the one behind any religion.
Before the door, of course, lies the land of many cultures.
There is no surprise that any culture develops its cultural imagery and other means to help carry the local religiosity. As deep as this may reach into any culturalized person, it is not the end goal.
Therefore, it makes no sense to stick to any door or what lies before ― even if it makes one feel very special or, conversely, very much in the safety of everyone else.
The true ‘being special’ only lies on the other side.
And it is Open.
Going through the door, as far as any religion is conceptual, this conceptual part gets lost.
That doesn’t mean it’s unimportant on the cultural side. Here may lie much cultural heritage with much emotional worthiness. It’s super nice to respect this and rejoice in its beauty and meaningfulness.
However, as described, it has no religious worthiness by itself. It certainly has no religious merit to die or let others die for.
Toward one religion
This way, all religions point to the one. Each genuinely religious person can be aware of this. His religion is a vessel toward the one, as are other religions.
Since all religions point to the same, all religious persons – with or without a godly image included – can feel united in this endeavor, also while performing local rites and contemplating local stories.
The one religion isn’t local.
It’s Open.