Spirituality – Deep vs. Superficial

January 1, 2021 Open Religion No Comments

What shows itself as spirituality may be pretty superficial.

Please read first: [see: “Spirituality“]

Many people seem to be looking for the superficial kind.

Many are not even looking for spirituality in spirituality, but rather any evasion ― providing the idea that “this is not all” while not carrying any threat.

The ‘search for spirituality’ is, in that case, a search to remain comfortably numb.

No possible threat → no possible depth.

Spirituality is not necessarily heavy and dark.

It can be light and jolly ― and deep.

It can even be not-looking-like-spirituality ― and deep.

It can be heavy and dark ― and deep.

It cannot be merely superficial. Something superficial that looks like spirituality is a gross fake ― to be stayed as far away from as possible.

Why is there so much fake?

On the one hand, because of the complexity of the domain. This makes it challenging to see reality, let alone grasp it, and distinguish the interesting from the fluke. Also, it makes it difficult to talk about it with clarity, let alone to hear the clarity in another person’s talking.

On the other hand, it’s easy to make oneself look exciting and important. One brings some of the expected elements together and builds a following that is even ready to bring sacrifices: money, time, adoration.

Also, many prospect-followers are mainly looking for something straightforward, easily graspable, easily digestible. Sadly, this is running away from superficiality towards superficiality.

Thus, many people fall into the trap.

Many stay in it for long ― even lifelong.

It can become a habit, an ingrained pattern, also a flowing together with others out of comfort. [see: “Streaming Underneath“]


Then there is genuine spirituality.

It can be in every breath you take, in everything you look at, in every thought and feeling.

Everybody can live a life of deep spirituality, also while living a ‘normal life.’ You don’t need to evade anything but superficiality.

It’s not what, but how: parallel, distributed. [see: “What is ‘Parallel’?“]

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