Open Leadership: from Material to Mental Growth

The present-day world seeks economic growth, which is, broadly seen, ‘material’ ― either in the sense of being touchable or, at least, transposable, thereby tradeable. Mental growth is different and needs Open Leadership.
Growth is a natural urge. Everything in nature continually grows intra- and intergenerationally. AURELIS itself is based on a natural growth philosophy. The human mind is one part of nature.
Of course, everything – including growth in money, assets, and energy expenditure – can use Open Leadership.
Mental growth is different because it is Open Leadership’s core and aim. Without Open Leadership, mental growth may never become an abundant commodity for most people. Thus, the exclusive search for material growth may continue to be the prime focus for a long time as a (meager?) substitute for natural growth.
This situation may lead to a succession of disasters.
From nature to material growth
Being natural – biological – organisms, humans strive for growth in every way. However, in mechanistic eccentricity, growth can follow directions that eventually oppose nature.
We see this, for instance, in economic growth that manages natural resources merely as economically exploitable assets towards a growth that has lost all natural connection. In such cases, the growth is flying in the air like the balloon of an unhappy child.
Can we tend to the urge for growth in a more humanistic way, increasingly orienting it from the material to the mental?
Economic mental growth
One could try to monetize mental growth ― so it becomes part of the economic assets of a firm or country. However, this is challenging in contrast to what might (is supposed to) lead to growth, such as workshops, coaching.
The growth itself remains intangible, untradeable ― apparently.
Still, is mental growth the future of economy?
In Maslow’s hierarchy of human needs, mental growth appears on top. Basic needs come first. If these are met, people tend to step up to the need to grow in mental depth and the occasional so-called peek experience.
In the present economy, basic needs are especially valued since they are common to almost everyone. We all need clothing, shelter, and food. These things are easily monetized.
However, my guess is that the economy will increasingly get detached from monetization altogether and shift toward valorizing deeper needs. A.I.-developments may play a crucial factor in this ― positively or negatively.
That way, we can get to meaningfulness beyond capitalism without needing communism or any other flawed ‘ism.’ We may hope this transition will go smoothly ― in a gentle slope toward a state that lies waiting meanwhile, profoundly prepared. Much of the preparation can start today. Much of it is our responsibility.
On this premise, a world can be envisioned in perfect globalization while taking care of the needs of small communities and even individuals, with little to no discrimination based on race, gender, place of birth, or anything.
It will be a world based on deep meaningfulness and Global Compassion.
That should already be every Open Leader’s final goal.