Brace Yourself, then Go for It

September 15, 2018 Mental Growth No Comments

Dear reader, if you really believe in something, then I would so much like you to go for it.

Of course this doesn’t mean that you would otherwise be worth less.

Everybody may lead a life that is agreeable to live and doesn’t demand much more than, well, to live it.


But IF there is a ‘good grand cause’ that you really believe in, one that deeply touches you and that you will look back to and it will still each time warm your heart… There is nothing more worthwhile. So, if you have such, deem yourself lucky!

And pull yourself together.

Don’t let yourself be held back by fear.

Not your own fear. Not the fear of others.

By common sense: of course!

But never by fear.

Instead: brace yourself. Then go for it.

Things that stand in your way are things that you let stand in your way. For the rest: nothing.

Of course, fear may come towards you in many ways.

Manage it

even if it breaks your heart.

That may lead to unforeseen possibilities.

And even if it breaks you, that MIGHT be a good thing if you scramble yourself together again into something bigger. You have only one life, so it’s better to give.

If you don’t die from pursuing this cause – and even, in some sense, if you do – it will make the world a stronger place, and a better one, including you.

You grow.

Is this ‘romantic’? You bet!

Is it ‘unrealistic’? No.

It’s rather unrealistic to not respect yourself, to not ‘go for it’,

to not deem yourself lucky if you can.

Big cause. Little cause. Any cause. Something that demands: you! For God’s sake, isn’t that wonderful?

Then please believe in yourself. It’s life and then… even bigger than life!

Who cares in the end for anything else?

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