Listening to Music… with Ears of Soul

October 10, 2018 Meditation No Comments

Any music will do, but I think this goes better with gentle sounds.

At least that is true for me.

Ears of soul, that is to say: from inside.

Ears of soul, that is to say: from within the music.

Ears of soul, that is to say: from within your deeper self.

Do you feel it coming?

Ears of soul, that is to say: from within … each movement.

Each sound and each between-two-sounds.

In a moment like that, you make the music.

In a moment like that, you play the music.

It’s your music.

It is the music that you are.

Beyond concepts. Beyond thinking that you are this music.

Right now. Not anything other than this sound. Not anything other than this.

You listen to the music within yourself and at the rhythm of yourself. You only continue when you are ready. Ha!

And in this you feel who you are.

And not something else.

Who you are.

Who You are.

Perhaps you listen to the same thing a thousand times UNTIL you feel that it’s You.

ARE you the music or IS the music you?

Since I started crying, I cannot imagine that I ever stopped crying.

My tears are an ocean of joy, enough for all eternity.

No ears; no sounds; no soul; no joy.

Always joy.

Always soul.

Always sounds.


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