Listen Actively: Prioritize Listening Over Speaking

June 1, 2024 Mediation - Diplomacy No Comments

By prioritizing active listening, diplomats and negotiators can create a more respectful and productive dialogue.

Active listening involves more than just hearing the words spoken; it requires fully engaging with the speaker to understand their message, emotions, and underlying concerns.


Key Aspects

Pay Full Attention

  • Focus entirely on the speaker.
  • Avoid distractions such as phones or side conversations.
  • Maintain eye contact and nod to show engagement.

Show That You Are Listening

  • Use body language, such as nodding and leaning slightly forward.
  • Use verbal affirmations like “I see,” “I understand,” or “Go on.”

Reflect and Paraphrase

  • Reflect on what the speaker has said by paraphrasing their points.
  • For example, “So, you’re saying that the primary concern is…”

Ask Open-Ended Questions

  • Encourage the speaker to elaborate.
  • For example, “Can you explain more about how this impacts your position?”

Avoid Interrupting

  • Let the speaker finish their thoughts before responding.
  • Use pauses to consider your response carefully.

Clarify and Summarize

  • Clarify any points you are unsure about.
  • Summarize the key points to ensure understanding.


Negotiating a Trade Agreement: During a trade negotiation, one party expresses concerns about potential job losses in certain sectors. An active listener might respond

  • “I understand that you are concerned about job losses in your manufacturing sector. Can you share more about the specific challenges you foresee?”

Resolving a Diplomatic Conflict: In a conflict resolution meeting, a representative from one country expresses frustration over perceived military threats. An active listener could say

  • “It sounds like you feel threatened by our recent military exercises. Can you help me understand how these actions are perceived as threats?”

Community Diplomacy: During a community meeting about a new infrastructure project, local residents express concerns about environmental impacts. An active listener might respond

  • “You’ve mentioned concerns about the environmental impact of this project. What specific aspects are you most worried about, and how can we address these in our planning?”

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